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Butt kicker wireless with sonos surround sound

  • 31 December 2022
  • 21 replies

I was wondering since butt kicker released a wireless system Would it work with my surround sound sonos system  I have the arc and 2 sonos five's and 2 subs This would be really awesome if this could work Also can't wait to get my hands on optima 2 I hope they're coming really soon true Atmos  is what sonos needs 

No, SONOS uses a private protocol.

Unfortunately if sonos does not release a rear Atmos speaker I'm just gonna go back to the regular Processor an amp system I can't believe sonos is taking so long to release it's a speaker that has true  Atmos Experience They're falling away behind All the others sound bars out there I love sonos but come on already hurry up

Though Sonos may surprise us, I’m not sure Sonos is in the market for this kind of more dedicated Atmos speakers. Sonos seems to be in the market for ease of use, which implies using less speakers, to create an Atmos effect, rather than using more (but less versatile) speakers.

That is fine but They can easily make an update so we can use Maybe in ceiling speakers Or something along that line Through the app to make it all connect so we have true Atmos speakers For the people that want that All they have to do is update the firmware So we could add more speakers to our surround sound system We should be able to add as many speakers as we want to our Surround sound system And yeah it costs money to make that but I'm sure people would pay a couple bucks for the upgrade I've been reading on reddit and a couple of other places where people want this Why not make it available

What is better to spend resources on? Something that increases sales by 50%, or features that increase sales by 3%? I’d imagine Sonos keeps that evaluation in their thought process. 

Yes, I’d love what you’re suggesting, but I also agree with @106rallye ‘s comment, it really doesn’t seem to fit in with their current market push. 

If I’m truly looking for a high end, ultimately malleable system, I wouldn’t be looking at Sonos. OTOH, I’m perfectly comfortable in recommending Sonos to pretty much anyone, due to their simplicity, ease of setup, and terrific sound. They are not the end all of sound companies, though. 

Yeah you're right But the simplicity is what I like And that's why I have it as my surround sound system And that's why I recommended It to all my clients When building their gaming systems But I do wish that they would come out with real atmos speakers for the rear And I know that they're not the end all for Home theater But they can easily make updates to their firmware if people want to go And make their system the end all It would make the money in They end they would sell more speakers because you would need more But what do I know I've dropped out of the Hi End Audio stuffor that reas you mentioned it's really easy with sonos But I do have some complaints why can't they Put out a microphone for people that use Android so we can get true surround Measurement it in our system and not have to worry about owning a stupid Apple phone I'm sure it wouldn't be expensive to produce Anyways I'm just giving suggestions that's all People can take it or leave it

I’m sure that there would be a huge wave of complaints by Android users who would be required to purchase an accessory, while Trueplay is “free” for iOS users.

Well it's true why can't we have true play I have to buy a stupid Apple phone just to get true play Why do I have to buy an Apple phone just to get true play

It’s necessary that Trueplay have access to a calibrated microphone. Apple has reasonably tight production controls and a few models. There are numerous Android manufacturers, models, and lax production controls. It’s relatively easy to purchase a cheap Android with an already obsolete operating system and microphones with inconsistent characteristics.

So why can't it be available to me why do I have to have an Apple phone that's my question Why can't sonos release a mfor people that don't wanna buy Apple

In general Trueplay would not work very well on an Android unless you took the phone to a dealer or service center and had the microphone calibrated. Or you could send the phone to a service center for calibration. The other alternative is for SONOS to develop an Android accessory that could be purchased or rented.

This is what I've been trying to tell everybody I don't know why they're not getting it I want to have true play but I don't want to have to buy an Apple phone for that That's why I'm kind of upset with sonos Please just Develop a Microphone that we can use to get true play I'm sure it's not that hard And why should all the android people out there Not be able to get true play

What is better to spend resources on? Something that increases sales by 50%, or features that increase sales by 3%? I’d imagine Sonos keeps that evaluation in their thought process. 

Yes, I’d love what you’re suggesting, but I also agree with @106rallye ‘s comment, it really doesn’t seem to fit in with their current market push. 

If I’m truly looking for a high end, ultimately malleable system, I wouldn’t be looking at Sonos. OTOH, I’m perfectly comfortable in recommending Sonos to pretty much anyone, due to their simplicity, ease of setup, and terrific sound. They are not the end all of sound companies, though. 

That does not make any sense what you're saying about the 3% in 50%If they make true atmos System people are gonna buy more speakers So yes they will make money on it And again they will sell more speakers in the end they don't have to develop new ones they just have to update the firmware so we can add more speakers

Sonos is a “true Atmos system”.  Dolby recognizes up-firing speakers as Atmos capable, and since they make the codec, they get to define the term.  So stop the nonsense about a “true Atmos system”.  

This is what I've been trying to tell everybody I don't know why they're not getting it I want to have true play but I don't want to have to buy an Apple phone for that That's why I'm kind of upset with sonos Please just Develop a Microphone that we can use to get true play I'm sure it's not that hard And why should all the android people out there Not be able to get true play


Notice how every feature that you want is assumed to be ‘not that hard’.    Since these features aren’t available, perhaps this isn’t a very good assumption.

I suspect that Sonos isn’t coming out with their own microphone product because it wouldn’t have that large of a market.  It would only be needed during initial setup, so people would likely skip tuning, borrow and iphone, buy this but sell on the used market….so it wouldn’t be a high seller.  It might even just annoy customers since it would highlight the lack of tuning for android users, rather than a bonus for iPhone users.

Maybe, don’t know.  But it seems kind of unlikely.


As far as atmos goes, Sonos is unlikely to support atmos ceiling speakers for multiple reasons.  Obviously that’s a wired solution, and if you’re going to wire ceiling speakers, there’s a good chance you can wire the other speakers as well, and don’t need Sonos.  As well, you would need an Arc or Beam, which doesn’t allow for ‘true’ front separate speakers and would not utilize the upfiring speakers you bought on the Arc. 


 Please just Develop a Microphone that we can use to get true play I'm sure it's not that hard And why should all the android people out there Not be able to get true play

How much would you be willing to pay for this Microphone?

It doesn't have to be very expensive maybe 10 $15 20 At most And I don't know why everybody is arguing with me sonos doesn't have to do anything I'm just making some suggestions That would maybe benefit some people Maybe 40% I know a lot of people buy sonos for the home theater So being able to add more speakers is a bonus to sonos they would sell more These are just suggestions that's all

I was wondering since butt kicker released a wireless system Would it work with my surround sound sonos system  I have the arc and 2 sonos five's and 2 subs This would be really awesome if this could work Also can't wait to get my hands on optima 2 I hope they're coming really soon true Atmos  is what sonos needs 

Have you figured this one out? I was thinking that the Sonos AMP with the RCA sun out to the buttkicker AMP would work

Thanks this post is really helpful for me with the comments as well. 

Best Regards 


Have you figured this one out? I was thinking that the Sonos AMP with the RCA sun out to the buttkicker AMP would work


The Amp would have to be wired to front L/R passive speakers and to HDMI-ARC on the TV.  The RCA sub out is disabled when the Amp is used as surrounds.

Have you figured this one out? I was thinking that the Sonos AMP with the RCA sun out to the buttkicker AMP would work


The Amp would have to be wired to front L/R passive speakers and to HDMI-ARC on the TV.  The RCA sub out is disabled when the Amp is used as surrounds.

Yep. I’m returning the Amp. It doesn’t work with my setup as you mentioned. The Amp will not add unless it is used added as an actual surround, but then the sub out is disabled.
