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I have been reading a lot of comments about vibration on a Sonos beam. I was watching 6 Underground yesterday & yes the rattle/ vibration started. However it was nothing to do with the beam, it was the cables I had put under the TV stand that were vibrating against it. Removed them away from the stand & problem solved, thanks to my wonderful wife Wendy for spotting this. So check this first, you never know it might not be your brilliant beam.😃

Hey @The Girt , welcome to Sonos Community.

I’ve also fallen victim of the vibrating sounds coming from the cables and TV stand. I was so confused because the noise was very subtle in the background and I couldn’t spot it, so.. great spot from your wife Wendy!. My flatmates cat found the culprit in my case, as she likes hanging around the area behind the TV, and with a small nudge, no more vibration.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Sotiris C

🤣🤣🤣 brilliant Sotris C, if you told a lot of people they would never believe you. So pleased you found the culprit, or at least your cat did. My wife Wendy is now feeling very smug.😃👍😃