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Hi I have just purchased a Beam soundbar, linked to a Samsung tv, watching through SkyQ, there is a delay or advance I can’t tell, on the lip sync but no matter what I change on sky the tv or sonos app the lip sync is still terrible, I’ve read a few issues on here and tried all them but nothing is working, starting to thing of returning it as it’s really annoying and at a cost of £400 I would expect no issue from the off as I have had with previous soundbars. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you

Have you disabled any setting on the Sky Q or TV that may be altering the audio in any way?

Hi, not that i’m aware of. I’ve just put on Amazon which is through the tv only and that seems fine so I’m assuming it is a issue watching through Sky? Thanks for your reply

If you set Digital Audio Output on the Sky to Normal, does it improve the lip sync issue?

I’ve just tried it and it does actually yes, am I not loosing out in sound by doing this though? Sorry i’m a bit of a novice

If you were getting Dolby Digital audio before you changed the setting to Normal, then yes, you are losing some quality because you are probably just getting stereo sound now. Do you notice a difference in audio quality?

It was on Dolby setting before yes, the sound is definitely different when you switch but obviously i’d like dolby having bought a soundbar with it 🤷🏼‍♂️

Is the Beam connected to your TV with HDMI or optical?

Unless someone else has another solution, with the SkyQ you may have to choose between Dolby Digital with lip sync problems or Stereo with no lip sync problems.

With Hdmi but a cable came with it for optical but yeah i’ve tried that and the same issues. I mean it’s like watching a old Kung fu film on Digital so thats not a option, wondering if there’s something a can purchase to bring it in line 🤷🏼‍♂️ Thanks a lot for you help dude

The only other solution I’ve seen is using an optical switch. Read about it here: 


So i’ve got it in optical now and on Dolby too and I think it’s ok, although i’ve staring at mouths for so long it hard to tell but fingers crossed. Thanks again