Yes, you can try this in advance of your purchase too if you wish, just unbond it from any connected surrounds/sub… then uncable it and move to your new room. Then rename the speaker with a new room name as outlined below:
In the Sonos App goto ‘Settings/System/sdevice room name]’ and select the ‘room’ option to alter the name.
Note: if the Beam in your case is also registered as an accessory in the IOS Home(kit) App also change the device name in that App too.
Yes, simply remove SUB and the ONE’s from BEAM, then add them to ARC. Change BEAM’s Room name if you like. BEAM will operate in stereo.
As a trial, you can fuss with this now. Break down the system into two Rooms, BEAM and paired ONE’s. Or, three Rooms if you don’t pair the ONE’s.
Edit: Hmm Ken_Griffiths can type faster,
Thanks for your help just wanted to make sure that it is doable
cheers Phil
A repurposed/spare Beam is really neat where you can sit it on a cabinet top or the like. Good sound and nearly invisible.
You can still Bond it to a pair of surrounds and set it to Full Mode to fill a fair sized room too.