I want to attach a bass shaker (https://www.buttkickergear.com/Wireless_or a ButtKicker_kit_BKA300_p/bk-kit-4.htm) or a motion transducer (http://www.crowsontech.com/go/crowsontech/3450/en-US/DesktopDefault.aspx?Alias=crowsontech&TabID=3450&lang=en-us) to my home theatre seats.
Currently my home theatre setup consist of playbar, sub and 2 play 1's. The playbar is connected to the optical out of a Oppo BDP 103.
Since the sub does not have an in/out port, I was wondering if I could directly connect the bass shaker to the tsub woofer out of the Oppo or do I need to purchase a connect amp for this purpose.
Thank you in advance for any clues/ advise.
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Hello sandeepsebastin, while that might be able to connect to the sub output on a CONNECT:AMP, it's not really something that's supported. We can't guarantee that this would work properly for you.
Mile P so what is the recommended approach that would be supported by Sonos? I currently have Play bar, Play 5, Sub and 3 play One's. I am would like to put bass transducers under my theater seating as well.
I’ve been looking into this type of setup as well. It’s understandable for Sonos not supporting products that aren’t their own. But I’m sure it’s possible regardless. Maybe if you used a Sonos connect with something like this: http://soundshaker.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8r3Isf-M2AIVy7fACh0_mQX5EAAYASAAEgL5pfD_BwE
Let us know if found anything else. And Good Luck!
Let us know if found anything else. And Good Luck!
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