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I have an ATV connected to a projector. it goes through an Arcana before the split HDMI feed gets to the projector and Arc  

When I finish using the ATV, I leave it at the Home Screen. It is set to sleep after an hour’s inactivity currently, and I’ve previously tried it with sleep disabled. There is no HDMI-CEC on my Sony projector so the only thing that controls my ATV is me, with the remote, and the sleep function. 

Fairly regularly (maybe 1/5 of the time) when I turn on the projector then try to wake my ATV I get no picture or sound. I can successfully ask my iPhone to Screen Mirror to it. This makes me think the ATV is functioning and waking up, so I’m assuming the Arcana isn’t noticing it waking. 

Does anyone else have this setup or this issue?

On reddit there is a fix mentioned for this type of issue and it says this…



I don’t use the arcana so can’t check this, but perhaps give the above a try and see if it solves the issue.

Amazing. Will try that. Thanks.