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I have read the thread on no Android integration for Trueplay, but I would hope spending 1500 on a system there would be a better solution than "borrow an iOS device from a friend"!  Especially after3+ years!!!  First thought, if it is a microphone issue, then standardize your system with 1 mic to calibrate your system with.  Yamaha, Marantz, Denon, Pioneer etc ALL provide a setup mic with their systems.  Microphones among iOS devices also differ, they are different from year to year and model to model.  So that verbage doesn't add up or holdmuch water.   Second, before the android bashing begins, I bet the cost of my system if the table was turned and it only worked on android and not iOS devices, there would be a loud outcry of Apple users, especially if told to go "borrow" an android from a friend.  Not that this will change anything but I got to express my opinion.  I'm the proud owner of a top-of-the-line Sonos system that is"Meh" at best.

 if the table was turned and it only worked on android and not iOS devices, there would be a loud outcry of Apple users, especially if told to go "borrow" an android from a friend.

I don’t disagree with your post, but why would things be any different from what they are if the tables are turned? Those with iPhones would then shout just as much as android users do. Although given the reason that Sonos puts forth for why android is not accommodated, if android users were to be accommodated, so would be iPhone users.

Android users have been complaining about not being able to do Trueplay tuning for years yet they still continue to purchase Sonos products. Sonos must be doing something right.

Not saying they would, just saying the lack of support from iOS users to pressure Sonos to lend an ear and fix the problem is sad, in fact it's just the opposite.  There has been plenty of backlash from Apple users in previous posts that basically say quit whining Android users and just live with's been well over 5 years that this has been an issue with Sonos.  Other companies, other products have functional apps that equally support android and iOS, so wouldn't be out of the realm of reality for Sonos to fix the problem.  Reading about microphone variability among iPhones and other iOS devices makes me question the reasoning Sonos gives.  I assume you are an iOS user, and I'm not anti apple in any way.  But you would not appreciate me telling you to quit whining and just live with a less than equal experience just because you had a different device with a different OS.

I was "duped" by the salesman, my mistake for not doing the research.  Caveat emptor!  But not a good deal of notification by Sonos to tell me boldly that your experience will be less than optimal if you don't have iOS.  

Android users have been complaining about not being able to do Trueplay tuning for years yet they still continue to purchase Sonos products. Sonos must be doing something right.

This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.  Why all the negativity towards a certain group, why should they (we) be excluded from the full experience?

I use whatever works well for me with no hard and fast attachment to any brand - thus, I have Mac, Android phone, Sonos and Echo. I have not found it that hard to borrow an iPhone for the rare occasions  tuning is needed because once done, there is no need for the iPhone. 

But yes, Sonos should have fixed this issue by now, no argument about that.

As an android user, I would like to have seen them come up with some sort of Trueplay tuning option by now.  I don’t know how difficult it is to do this.  It seems that if variations in mic hardware is the issue, a simple plug in mic to your phone/tablets headphone jack should do it.  It makes me think it goes beyond just mic hardware.  It’s all speculation though, so who knows.

Regardless, the issue isn’t going to keep my from buying Sonos, or looking to spend money to replace my system.  

I have no Android devices, but I have never bothered with Trueplay on any of my iOS devices.I consider it a niche feature that I have no interest in trying with on my ten Sonos devices.

I have never bothered with Trueplay on any of my iOS devices.

Room correction is routinely cited as one of the most important ‘tweaks’ one can make. Its effects range from marginal to transformative, depending on the amount of resonance, reinforcement, etc.

I have no Android devices, but I have never bothered with Trueplay on any of my iOS devices.I consider it a niche feature that I have no interest in trying with on my ten Sonos devices.

I found it made a big difference, particularly on pop music at higher volumes where the uncorrected device was very poor. I only managed to tune it as a friend visited with an iphone - the original itouch that I bought to control the Sonos kit was obsoleted years ago and I’m certainly not buying another one.

Indeed, I thought that the tuning made such a big difference that I finally tuned by AV receiver/system, with a similar degree of improvement. 

ISTM that compensating for different room acoustics is the way forward.

I realize it’s not the same thing exactly, but I think the best way to hear the difference tuning makes is with the Move and it’s auto trueplay.  Let it sit in one location for awhile then move it to a different location in the house.  You can immediately tell that it doesn’t sound as good in the new location until the trueplay fixes things.

This is one area the BOSE 700 wins …..has a little headset mic you wear that you do room correction with. You look stupid while doing it but it works

I realize it’s not the same thing exactly, but I think the best way to hear the difference tuning makes is with the Move and it’s auto trueplay. 

One can do this for every other tuned speaker by merely toggling true play on/off, something that can be done even with android phones, once the speaker has been tuned via an i device - and the result is close to immediate. Another reason why the restriction around using only the latter for tuning is less of an issue - if the tuned sound is not preferred, one can always revert to the untuned state via the android device.

Since I take care with speaker placement to start with, the differences are not more than very subtle for my play 1 units. But where my bonded Sub is concerned, true play does the job of eliminating bass bloat to a great extent.

I suspect it may do a lot more for the HT products which have to be placed under the TV, which may not acoustically be the best location for them.

Interesting enough, although I have an android that didn’t have the trueplay option, once I ran the trueplay on an Iphone my son had, it appeared as an option on my android. At least I can switch it on and off within the android. You just can’t retune.

Must agree with BlackWatch,

It IS kinda strange (and disappointing) that Sonos is so biased towards iOS when there are more than twice as many Android users out there.

To leave out a feature like TruePlay from Android as well as only supporting AirPlay(2) is simply (In lack of other words) ridiculous,

Honestly the Sonos Arc will be my first and last Sonos device unless they change this stance and others.  As others have stated nothing on the Sonos Arc main page mentions TruePlay is iOS only. In my opinion this is very deceptive in their marketing. From the Sonos Arc main page below.

“Tuned to perfection

Trueplay tuning technology optimizes the sound for the unique acoustics of the room where Arc is placed, calibrating the height channels for precise localization.”

The omission of DTS, which I did know going into buying the Arc, is just dumb, charge extra for a DTS model.  A lot of people are going out and buying a HDFury Arcana to solve LipSync issues because of a lack of an HDMI input on the device. Another poor design decision.  If it wasn’t for the rave reviews of the Arc on sound quality I would have passed.

I would gladly buy an approved or official Sonos mic to plug into my android device to run tune my Arc. I work for a Vendor myself and nothing pisses customers off more than a nonchalant answer like borrow a friends iPhone.  Borrowing an iPhone is not easy for me, especially in COVID days, almost all my friends and family use Android. 

Lastly if I decide to move my device to another TV or rearrange my room I need to inconvenience someone else so I can tune my Sonos is absurd.  

I thought when I bought the Arc it was going to be the beginning of a larger Sonos rollout in my house but sadly I will be looking for alternatives.


Thing is, if Sonos had never invented Trueplay and added it as a free upgrade on iOS a few years back, you would probably be delighted with your new Sonos product.  Trueplay sometimes makes little or no difference - it depends on the room.  I haven’t got round to tuning my Arc yet, but love the sound.

Shame you won’t be buying more Sonos - you will miss out on so much.

@John B that is 100% an untrue statement for me.  I have been optimizing my audio environments since my first Yamaha AVR 17 years ago.  I bought the Sonos because it offered this capability.  Every audio system I have purchased has been optimized as well as my video and it is something that I require when purchasing a product. 

So don’t assume what you don’t know.  Shame on Sonos for false advertising for what is a relatively easy and cheap fix to give Android TruPlay support via an external mic. 

And Sonos did not invent “TruePlay” they gave acoustical room optimization a marketing name but the technology has been around for decades. 



Sonos has been complaining about unfair practices from Google and Amazon for loss of customers, and I agree mostly with what Sonos has been saying.  That is another reason I went to Sonos, but if they don’t listen to their customer and come up with lame excuses as to why they cannot support features.  Then that will be why they lose me as a customer not because of Google/Amazon etc.  Customer satisfaction is how you keep customers and I am not satisfied

Loss of customers? I believe the Sonos results showed they had gained 1.8 million households worldwide in the last year. Sonos are taking legal action for patent infringement against certain companies,  as they have done successfully in the past with others. Of course they would protect their intellectual property.

When you say that Sonos doesn't listen to their customers, what you really mean is that your pet feature has not been their top priority. 

You are of course free to think what you like and buy what you like. I wish you well.


@John B your attitude is amazing and calling a feature I require a pet feature is uncalled for. They advertise this feature without notation of exception on their main page of the Arc product with is deceptive.  Since this feature is not a concern for you I see no reason why you even replied on this thread.

Calibrating audio for any room is an essential.  Audio equipment is designed for a perfectly acoustical environment which is impossible in a house unless you design a dedicated room for it.  Every system I have calibrated over the last 17 years has made a HUGE difference in sound quality coming from the equipment.  What you call my “pet feature” I call ensuring I am getting the best from my purchase.  


As far as the lawsuit it is because they cannot keep up with the cheap devices that Amazon and Google and to defend their IP which is definitely a must and I stand behind Sonos to do so. 

“Sonos’s entry-level speaker is about $200. Amazon and Google’s cheapest speakers are $50, and they often offer them at much steeper discounts.

In the third quarter of 2019, Amazon shipped 10.5 million speakers and Google six million, according to Strategy Analytics. For the 12 months ending in September, Sonos said it had sold 6.1 million speakers.

“Amazon and Google are making it a mass-market product at a price point that Sonos can’t match,” said Jack Narcotta, a Strategy Analytics analyst.”


While we are talking “pet features”, another one besides TruPlay is AirPlay2.
Having Airplay is neat for Apple users.
Having ChromeCast would equally be neat for Android users. 

Bluetooth streaming would also be a nice feature, and considering the cost of a bluetooth module these days, I doubt it would even be possible to see on the pricetag. 

As for market shares, the most recent and reliable data I could find, indicate that Android + Apple has 99% of the market (current, active devices - not “activated” devices).
Besides North America and a few Asian countries heavily biased towards Apple, Android outnumbers Apple worldwide by 2:1 with +70% of the market. 
You can (fairly) argue that Apple users are more likely to shop for products like Sonos - but I’m not arguing that Sonos should prioritize Android at the cost of Apple - only that Android shouldn’t be neglected like it seems to be. 

I’m ‘fortunate’ in this scenario to be an Apple user. I’ve never gotten on with Android, despite working in IT and easily able to see some of the benefits. I’m also heavily invested in Apple/sonos ecosystems so have absolutely no interest in Android. 


But I can also totally see why those who favour Android would be disgruntled and especially so when there’s a perfectly adequate solution in the form of an add on microphone. Sonos really should be investing in such a feature to treat their large customer base with equal respect. Surely the investment would more than pay for itself. 

hopefully the increased sales and the IPO cash will give Sonos the scope to grow and develop their strategy and capability as they still seem to have a bit of a ‘mom and pop’ approach of customer service and product development. 

complacency for a one trick pony is never a good thing. 



I use Android and have suggested an external mike as a solution too.

I also got a cheap Apple dingus off ebay to solve my TruePlay issues.

I long ago learned to solve Sonos issues myself when possible instead of waiting for Sonos to get to them. Sometimes I’m using my fix for years (SMBv1) or (TruePlay) sometimes Sonos fixes it quickly.

My goal is to enjoy my Sonos as much as possible with minimal aggravation, not to get Sonos to do stuff.

My goal is to enjoy my Sonos as much as possible with minimal aggravation, not to get Sonos to do stuff.

I don’t think these should be mutually exclusive. Not everyone is capable of self sufficiency and expecting such as the default approach without addressing the root cause is a slippery slope to letting Sonos off the hook. On that basis we should not ask for any new features and start writing the code ourselves!!!