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I build a home cinema, used my exsisting Sonos setup, bought an Arc og two Aces.

Me and my wife where ready to watch movies together after the kids went to sleep. Now I learned that you cannot connect two Aces to one Arc. What a disappointment...thats the one and only reason I bought and Arc and two Aces…

When will this be possible?

Hi ​@Vetsch 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of your disappointment. We’ve conducted user research and learned the most common use case for wearing headphones with a home theatre system is for viewing content alone, so you don’t disturb others in your household. We’ll continue to learn how customers are using Sonos Ace and explore additional features over time. I can’t give you a time frame.

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

Thank you for your reply.

Wouldnt this be quite easy fix?

Hi ​@Vetsch 

On the surface, it would appear so, but a soundbar would need to perform the binaural computations twice to provide the audio stream to two separate headphones (assuming Head Tracking or the up-coming TrueCinema functions are enabled) at the same time.

And that’s just what I can think of - I am sure there are other considerations.

I understand.

An idea could be to disable headtracking and/or true cinema. A compromise atleast I would be willing to make for double Ace connection.

Why sell a pair of Aces if they can not work at the same time on a Arc🤔 

Hi ​@Vetsch 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of your disappointment. We’ve conducted user research and learned the most common use case for wearing headphones with a home theatre system is for viewing content alone, so you don’t disturb others in your household. We’ll continue to learn how customers are using Sonos Ace and explore additional features over time. I can’t give you a time frame.

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

​​​​​​I also returned one of the two sonos ace from sonos ace pack because of this lack … my wife and I want to listen together without disturbing or sleeping children … this use is more widespread than you think !!! 




So lame taht you couldn’t use 2 aces together to listen to one movie . It realy sucks … it s the same story as the app episode … sonos is missing the point and loosing sight of what the client realy needs and wants … I first bought a pack of ace to finally give one back because i was missing this feature  … 

This is the only reason I didn’t buy any Sonos Ace yet.

I also thought this would be possible.  Kinda bummed about it. 

If it's only Apple TV, the two airpods and spatial audio functions will be removed, but they can be shared.


I decided to choose AirpodsMax after seeing the posts of my predecessors. Thank you.

I am using a workaround now whilst watching any streaming service, like netflix, disney+ or so. Wife connects the Ace to her phone and streams the same movie while we watch it the projector. Not optimal, but works as a temporary solution until Sonos get it fixed.

I am using a workaround now whilst watching any streaming service, like netflix, disney+ or so. Wife connects the Ace to her phone and streams the same movie while we watch it the projector. Not optimal, but works as a temporary solution until Sonos get it fixed.

Do you hear or copy that Sonos  … users have to tweak around to be able to use the aces … this ace headphone is becomming  a haedache 

I was surprised too that using two Sonos Ace isn’t supported after I got the email advertising “sharing” an experience using two pairs of Ace. I almost ordered the two-pair bundle before I learned better from Reddit.

If it helps anybody, my wife and I currently use the “two headphones” functions with our AirPods and Apple TV. Works with all generations of AirPods and a lot of Beats headphones too.

I would like to also add my support for this feature.   

When I purchased my first Ace I also thought this would be possible.

The second this feature is added I will buy a second Ace.



Same for me !

Was the idea when bought a pair of aces in the beggining (advertised like buy a pair and enjoy together) … had to ask for refund and mailed one back 

The same here. What a tremendous disappointment. Just bought two Aces to use with Arc….couple watching together after other household gone yo bed.

Is it possible to get a refund? Both unboxed together….two days old!


The same here. What a tremendous disappointment. Just bought two Aces to use with Arc….couple watching together after other household gone yo bed.

Is it possible to get a refund? Both unboxed together….two days old!


yes I contacted support and could resend one of them and get a refund ! 



Same here. I'm Waiting this feature..

I’m so frustrated to discover that I can’t connect two ace headphones at the same time I purchased these a month ago in hopes my wife and I could watch TV and movies together when the kids go to bed only to find out this disappointing news after I’ve already purchased them Thankfully, I’m still within the 30 day return window and will be returning both sets and will find another solution that allows two sets to play simultaneously.

Need this badly.

Bose QC35 IIs can pair 2 headphones to listen to same bluetooth source.

We use it on airlines when traveling together.

We need this on Ace, for both bluetooth and when pairing with Arc soundbars. Heck, do it only for Arc Ultras and i will buy a 2nd ace and an Arc Ultra. 

Your competition is doing it, and you are missing a key feature.

Adding my name to the group of folks that request this feature.  I just received my two Ace units today for this exact purpose.  I don't really want to send them if we can get a commitment from Sonos for this feature release in the near future, I’ll keep them for at least when my wife goes to sleep. I can avoid disturbing her.  My need for the two is when my nephews stay over and we pull an all-nighter on movies or COD, without disturbing the sleepers.  This is a NEEDED feature.

Adding another request for this feature -- assuming Sonos is reading our reply’s and keeping a list.  I bought our 2 pack when they were first offered but did not get around to setting them up until well after the 30 day return so were stuck with a useless product.  Maybe they will build the capability into the next generation of ARC -- the ULTRA ULTRA ARC….  Don’t know who led their original user research but they should be fired for this HUGE miss.

Hi ​@Vetsch 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of your disappointment. We’ve conducted user research and learned the most common use case for wearing headphones with a home theatre system is for viewing content alone, so you don’t disturb others in your household. We’ll continue to learn how customers are using Sonos Ace and explore additional features over time. I can’t give you a time frame.

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

@Vetsch, we all appreciate your reply to the OP.  I wanted to bring you back into the fold and ask if this has been discussed yet with the “relevant teams”?  I know this thread was only started 26 days ago, but I’m sure we’d all appreciate an update even if a minor one.


Loyal Sonos Customer.

Hi ​@TheRandy 

I am ​@Corry P, not ​@Vetsch 

Honestly, it was brought up internally before launch and I don’t think anyone at Sonos has forgotten about it. There will be no updates - they just don’t happen. Either the feature will become available one day, without much warning, or it will not. As mentioned in my second post here, it may not be as easy an engineering lift as it may seem at first glance.

I can group my one and playbar and roam and get TV sound everywhere- don’t understand why ace can’t be added as well- this would solve the issue as just choose the aces and lower the playbar volume…?

