
Sonos support for ACE

  • 15 June 2024
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Dear Mr Spence:  Call me please.

It is always the same with SONOS:  a bunch of Mr Bojangles bs europop ear pollution during your eternal wait for help.  Did shebot say 8 minutes or 80 minutes?  It has already been 17:51 and counting.  Do you want 'some tips?'  No.  I want to pay out the nose for one of your admittedly well-engineered products and get a sentient being to talk to me.  I realize it is too much to ask from your point of view!  'Do you want tips from the community?'  No, because the community is lined up on the Bay Bridge to leap for an end to this torture.  'Do you want tips on how to stop skipping?'  Maybe, but the eternal recorded message skips so much that I can't make out how to receive it. 

Help me.  I already begged the CEO to buy back the speakers that spark heartburn every time I try to use them. (Normally I just use YouTube to listen and experience solace at not having to endure SONOS customer support:  click and you're done onYouTube.

Ok, now it is 25...26:08 and I realize the good lady must have said 80 minutes, not 8 minutes.

All I wanted was to hear was to hear the Casta Diva in (relative) peace.  Instead I'm prepared for piece, as in piece of my mind, not peace OF mind.  The skipping goes on.

I am embarrassed but the picture of Patrick Spence in his fawning black and black CEO stage while the Europop ear rout goes on.  'The diagnostic will tell us more....if the music is skipping or stopping during playback....).  Oh Mister Spence, don some jeans and joing the rest of the universe and hang in there with chumps who fell for the Ace trick.  Did we really pay a breathtaking amount to be subjected to this?  How many loops of the dreckish earworm can we tolerate?  You?  I'm sure you must have previewed this and the customer service your chavs have created....well not created, perhaps spawned.  How do you like it.  I would welcome you to join me.  I'm now at 39:29 and begging for relief.

God almighty of technology forbid.  The GAOT could check with the 'the community,' and see what they have to say.  Maybe it's a chorus...if the during pl...a..y..bbbac..k...

GAOT save me.  I'm close to donning my black mourning suit for having let myself in for another SONOS product.  GAOT, why did I do it?  I know I begged for a headset for years.  What fresh hell was I imagining.  Tape loop 641...Why oh why?

Sonos reliability feedback.  Umph.  When I got the slick package in the mail I had the sense that the fires of tech hell were in the offing.  I should have known, especially after a few months ago I had to reinstall the SONOS app because nothing was working.  Whine:  I just wanted to listen to the first movement of the Spring sonata.  The agent actually had me go to the second floor of the house with laptop in hand and juggling my mobile.  (Please have the diagnostic(s) confirmation number available for the next representative.  When would that be in the next Ice Age?)  Tape loop 768.  (Who wrote this?  I couldn't have been Wolfgang, I fear.....perhaps one of your technical representative while they were waiting on hold for therapeutic intervention.  Calm down, person, just write the first phrase, then cut and paste till the end of Silicon Valley time.  Will they be still wearing all black corpsuits then as now, just like your counter-angel from hell Steve Jobs.  He will have been waiting for you at the silicon gates, withered and tired, hoping for a snippet of Mendelssohn rather that the root canal we are all subjected to.

Could AI really aleviate this?

I wonder if the charge for the ear drills that insulate you from the rest of mankind has already cleared?  Could I get a refund (please have the diagnostic.....we’ll you know).  Mister Spence I asked you to buy my speakers, my woofer (I realized the term originated when speakers we made, not hatched, and customer service meant service for customers.)  'To get the best out of you SONOS app you can...and more.'  

Okay.  My mistake.  I thought the narcotic robot accompanied by aural torture said  minutes.  Then I thought she must have said 80 minutes.  Now nearly 1hr:08min have passed.....'if the music is skipping or stopping...for some helpful tips.'  Check out for helpful tips.

Tips? Tips?!  I paid a fortune for this headset.  Haven't heard them yet.  Will I ever?  Our good robot reminds me of the one on a tourbus in Panama ('...learn how to run a diagnostic....").  But it was easier there:  when the skipping stared, we just picked up a new set of earbuds, pitched the 5-minute-old ones over the side and caught the next sentence.  Easy peasy. "To get the best of the SONOS app...just...."  

Oh, Mister Patrick....

Was I really cut off after 1 hour and 20 minutes because of SONOS technical

Spence   difficulties?

I know SONOS is so cute because it is the same upside down.....but I have had better customer service at the DMV during the pandemic.


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