Sonos Ace Feedback

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

I have had the Sonos Ace headphones for a few days now and for what it is worth here is my feedback which may or may not be useful info to other community members sitting on the fence with this product.


Looks and Feels like a quality product.
I like the sound profile based on listening to a wide variety of songs from my music library.
Effective ANC.
Unlike others, I have had no issues with the initial setup and subsequent updates.
Unlike others, I do not appear to have the issue with right ear static.

I keep going into the Sonos app to stream my music to it - Lol.
The Wear Detection on my unit is hit and miss, mostly miss. Hopefully a software issue and not a bad IR sensor???
I have Beam and Ray soundbars so no sound swap as yet. So for me at the moment they are just relatively expensive bluetooth headphones with no point of difference to the competition out there.

Based on the above I am happy with my purchase and assuming(?) that I am in the vast majority of Ace users who are not having static and update issues I would recommend these to anyone sitting on the fence.


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