I would have loved to have purchased Ace headphones

  • 10 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1

The update killed my system. Everything I loved and recommended to my friends is gone. Years and years ago (2001 I was introduced to Sonos through our supplier of Pioneer) I spent nights burning all my CD’s and imagine digitally copying my old tapes… yes some of us not all will remember that process. I love my S1 system at home, I have an S2 system also but haven’t used it since the update, I like not paying for my music I like, my thoughts are with the update if Sonos want this system to be a pay to play system. Why don’t they cover the cost, Sonos would have know in advance what worked and what didn’t, in my business I’m responsible for my actions. The buck stops with me. Who in Sonos is willing to answer me. I’ve been a dedicated Sonos supporter for 20 plus years. I Have sold Sonos systems and helped others in the set up because I believe in this product. You’re pushing Ace and I’d say it’s fantastic but… why would I buy it knowing my S2 system is a quarter of what its fictionality should be. I feel let down. And I’d like recourse even If it’s just acceptance of my statement 

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I too have felt let down by sonos with their roll out of an unpolished app, but if it is any consolation a tech guy phoned today at exactly the time scheduled and talked us through retrieving our music library on our MacBook and Synology nas. It is still not as I would want it to be but I can now see my music on the NAS but cannot sort playlists, add to queue etc. I can see my music library in terms of album, artist etc and can also group speakers and control volume with a single slider. Having spoken to the guy who talked us through it I do now think there is light at the end of the tunnel as far as being able to once again access and curate our playlists. I am still extremely annoyed that Sonos rolled out a very amateurish app but I must give credit to the very helpful tech guy who called us today. I will now wait for the next couple of updates before deciding to jump ship.

The update killed my system. Everything I loved and recommended to my friends is gone. Years and years ago (2001 I was introduced to Sonos through our supplier of Pioneer) I spent nights burning all my CD’s and imagine digitally copying my old tapes… yes some of us not all will remember that process. I love my S1 system at home, I have an S2 system also but haven’t used it since the update, I like not paying for my music I like, my thoughts are with the update if Sonos want this system to be a pay to play system. Why don’t they cover the cost, Sonos would have know in advance what worked and what didn’t, in my business I’m responsible for my actions. The buck stops with me. Who in Sonos is willing to answer me. I’ve been a dedicated Sonos supporter for 20 plus years. I Have sold Sonos systems and helped others in the set up because I believe in this product. You’re pushing Ace and I’d say it’s fantastic but… why would I buy it knowing my S2 system is a quarter of what its fictionality should be. I feel let down. And I’d like recourse even If it’s just acceptance of my statement 


Funny, but this is the second post by a brand new poster claiming to purchase Sonos before Sonos ever made a product.  In fact, this one claims to have purchased Sonos a full decade before Sonos even put a product on the market in 2005 (and in a slip of Freudian proportions, “functionality” is misspelled “fictionality”).  I, for one, am not buying it.

But let’s give the benefit of the doubt and say this is legit.  If you are having trouble with your local library, there are extensive fixes listed here:


Userlevel 1

There’s a chance I have my years wrong fair enough. But in fairness I’m proving I got in at the very start. Perhaps the purchase of my new house in 2001 has me a little confused. My father had a dual Pioneer deck system at the time and I wanted something similar. Being agents for Pioneer I looked into it. AV import in ireland were the suppliers for Sonos and Pioneers. So hats of to your date checking as towards misspelled word, what can I say only sorry. Sonos can clarify my system if they’d like.  
