
Feature Request SONOS Ace SWAP

  • 6 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1

I got my headphone, and overall, I am quite happy with them. The Swap feature with ARC is quite cool I must say. But, what would make these headphones feel like I bought a high-end SONOS product is for me to be able to use the SONOS grouping, which I understand is not a feature. 

But...if now we can swap the HDMI input from ARC to the headphones, I do not see why I cannot use my ARC or ERA300 to drive the headphones through sonos app without a TV. Let us swap from supported speakers for them to drive the headphones, and we have a good-enough product for now that feels and works much more integrated with the SONOS system.

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

I used my new ACE yesterday for most of the day and used the TV Sound Swap alot on multiple Rooms with ARC and as you say its pretty cool and just works and very quick to swap, seemless. I do find you need to crank up the volume though. 

I am with you though. If they could do the same thing with a Era 300 then that would be brilliant. 

As a pair of headphones though alone I think the sound is clean and loving the ANC and Transparency, Much better than my QC45 in that manner. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @evilpete 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

Userlevel 1

yeah, if swap was available for more speakers tan only sondbar i could llisten to sonos radio, snd also my other members in family could benefit for our invest ent in sonos products by engaging in their own swap sessions. And imagine if it allowed swap with a grouped speaker, then all kinds of crazy usage pattern could be invented. 
