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Ace, TV and phone

  • 18 July 2024
  • 0 replies

Dear All,


Here's my issue:


* After the initial setup of my newly purchased Ace set, which involved Bluetooth connecting it to my Android phone, I also Bluetooth connected the Ace set to my trusted TV.


* I started listening to the TV, and was suddenly interrupted by a call which came through my Android phone … (multipoint connection ...)


So, for all I know, I could either continue to allow such mishaps to go on, or Bluetooth unpair the Ace from my phone.

The trouble I discovered with the latter option is that when Ace is Bluetooth unpaired from the phone, the phone's app can no longer manage Ace's settings …


Has anyone found a better way to prevent call intrusion while watching TV, while also maintaining the ability to manage the Ace via the app on the phone?


In the same line: for those of you who also own an Arc and can therefore enjoy the much anticipated TV Audio Swap - do you need the Ace permanently Bluetooth paired with the phone in order to activate the Swap via the Content button, or is the phone needed only for the setup sequence, and can be subsequently unpaired?


Thanks in advance for any helpful tip & advice you may provide,


Enjoy your Sonos ecosystem, 



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