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There are posts on here that have been locked that are over 1-year old requesting YouTube music 'likes' in the Sonos app. Please action this or allow Sonos speakers as a target for Google cast so we can cast directly from YTM on phones and like there. 

Yours faithfully

A new Arc/sub/one user







In fact that should also request playlist interaction:


Add the current song to any named playlist in YTM.


E.g. I like this song. Or Add this song to my rock playlist. 




Hi @Yanic,


Thanks for your request. As you’ve seen, there have been a number of users looking for Google Cast functionality, and I’ll be sure to add your voice to the request. 

For clarification, implementing such a feature requires collaboration between Sonos and Google, and Google would need to allow Sonos products to have Cast functionality, so it may be worth posing this request directly to Google as well. :slight_smile:

“Like” support is entirely up to Google to implement, and to date they have shown zero interest in any improvements in their YTM/Sonos integration.

If you want “Likes”, suggest trying a music services company on your Sonos instead of an advertising company.