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So today I ran into an odd issue with both my Move and Roam, when I go Hey google play XXXX on Pandora. It will respond playing XXXX on Pandora, then silence. Same thing happens when I say play XXXX on YouTube music. It will response playing XXXX on YouTube music and then silence.

If I go into the app on my phone and select what to play, it will start playing on the speaker.

Losing the ability to have music play via voice command just started in the last day or so. When asking the google assistant about weather and such, it will respond as expected. It seems to be just with playing music currently.

I’ve tried rebooting the devices, no change. I removed google assistant from the Move and no difference. I’m not sure if this is stemming from a larger issue I’m having with Sonos and google assistant where when Pandora is playing I can’t use voice commands to like a song, again I need to go into the app to do this.

It do not have the trust anymore Sonos is capable or willing to fix this, or has the faintest goodwill at Google to get it fixed by them!

Are there any alternatives to link Google and Sonos products? I am thinking of buying a Google Nest Mini or a JBL speaker. Someone any experience?


Has Sonos any guts to give an honest reply on such a question??? 


A few years ago, there was an issue between Samsung/Deezer on their Multiroom platform, with Samsung giving little or no feedback to its customers. The music stream with Deezer ended abruptly with no explanation or notice whatsoever. With Sonos/Google currently in a legal spat, I fear that the current problem with Google Assist on the Sonos speakers will drag on to the detriment of customers who paid a premium to have this facility on their speakers. I hope Sonos prove me wrong, but with the lack of communication to date, I fear the worst!

As we say here in Africa – when elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers!   

It do not have the trust anymore Sonos is capable or willing to fix this, or has the faintest goodwill at Google to get it fixed by them!

Are there any alternatives to link Google and Sonos products? I am thinking of buying a Google Nest Mini or a JBL speaker. Someone any experience?


Has Sonos any guts to give an honest reply on such a question??? 


No answer yet....

Up ? No news from SONOS about the outage ? If no response in 5 days a ask a refund for all my new Sonos devices for 15k € ! 

GA werkt bij mij weer 

Hi @wildfire6522 et al

This issue has now been resolved.

Works 100%.

Not okay for me yet, I've tried readding the Google Assistant to my Sonos one, didn't help.
I can start the music from my NAS, but pausing it via 'Hey Google, Pause' doesn't do it.

'currently nothing is playing' 


What should I do ? Update firmware or so?

Not okay for me yet, I've tried readding the Google Assistant to my Sonos one, didn't help.
I can start the music from my NAS, but pausing it via 'Hey Google, Pause' doesn't do it.

'currently nothing is playing' 


What should I do ? Update firmware or so?

The original issue has definitely been resolved.  You probably have a new issue.  I’d create a new thread so your issue doesn’t get lost.

I’d also suggest that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of recreating this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

Not okay for me yet, I've tried readding the Google Assistant to my Sonos one, didn't help.
I can start the music from my NAS, but pausing it via 'Hey Google, Pause' doesn't do it.

'currently nothing is playing' 


What should I do ? Update firmware or so?

The original issue has definitely been resolved.  You probably have a new issue.  I’d create a new thread so your issue doesn’t get lost.



I opened this thread, let’s hope it gets some suggestions!