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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


In regards to “It appears the older SMB 1 - easily hacked - was disabled.”… Can I get a show of hands WHO among everyone posting has been hacked through their Sonos system?!!?  A non-existent problem, for me anyway, was “fixed” - and not in a good way.


It’s a valid point, one I’ve made countless times before.  Didn’t stop the security obsessed persons out there from posting multiple doom-and-gloom threads about the need to save Sonos from the horrors of SMB 1, or the tech press from making this and other “weaknesses” known via their publications.  There were even a couple articles that blamed Sonos for what was actually a bunch of people leaving their routers wide open to the outside, resulting in spooky noises being played over Sonos.  Those posts and articles appear to have been enough for Sonos to address it rather than suffer the bad PR. 

For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Yes it is. I wonder though, why now? The app is a disaster and this is just one more thing.

For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Macs aren’t entirely immune to hackers but, Windows users have a far greater chance of being violated. In part due to sheer numbers and, IMHO, the savant shut-ins who sit in their mother’s basmenet writing viruses because they’re basically miserable people.  I feel like we Mac users, like the baby, were thrown out with the bathwater.

What have you done Sonos? You have in one fell swoop rendered my entire music system almost unplayable. I uploaded my large collection of around 500 cds to a NAS and created multiple playlists to listen to my music collection. After updating my controller all of the NAS functionality has  disappeared and my playlists have completely gone. This is borderline criminal as I invested thousands of pounds on your speaker system SPECIFICALLY so I could play my music collection from a NAS. I am incredibly disappointed that you have removed almost all of the NAS functionality. Please, please, please tell me how I can roll back to the previous S2 app. Thank you. 

My NAS - Western Digital EX2 - works fine. Check the settings on the NAS to ensure SMB 2/3 is active. It appears the older SMB 1 - easily hacked - was disabled.

In regards to “It appears the older SMB 1 - easily hacked - was disabled.”… Can I get a show of hands WHO among everyone posting has been hacked through their Sonos system?!!?  A non-existent problem, for me anyway, was “fixed” - and not in a good way.

Do you still have a Windows xp computer? That is when SMB 1 was launched. SMB 2.0 has been out since 2006. I seriously doubt people are using NAS from 18 years ago that do not have SMB 2 support.

Unless you have a commercial grade firewall, I doubt you would know if one of the many Internet Of Things (IOT) devices in your home has participated in a DDOS attack.

Many customers slowly built/expanded their Sonos home stereo systems SOLELY because of a set of PARTICULAR features that Sonos delivered (I have 13 speakers incl an Arc and the sub, for instance). I've been using Sonos for 10 years and, after year 4 or 5 years, I abandoned my old, expensive high-fidelity sound system because of the "flexibility features" Sonos offers, and the sound quality of Sonos is very good (with constant EQ adjustments).If, say, that when Sonos first hit the market it had 20 features and 10 of them were important to me, which compelled me to purchase their product (note that there were 10 other features that were NOT important to me). Let's call this the S1 era.Over time, Sonos adds another 15 features and I use/enjoy 5 of the new features, but the other 10 are NOT important to me. So now we have 35 features of which 15 are important to me and 20 that are NOT important. Let's call this S2 era.For the latest app revision, Sonos adds 5 more features and NONE of them are needed or important to me. So, in this scenario there are now 40 features, and 15 are important to me. However, in this last release Sonos suddenly REMOVES 10 of the 15 important/favorite features from my 13-speaker music and audio ecosystem!!! Adding INSULT to INJURY, Sonos says they were courageous in their radical changes to the Sonos system features!!!It's like buying a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home w a 2-car garage and, overnight, the home you bought with hard-earned money became a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home w no garage, but it's got lots of bells and whistles on it that you don't need!!! As the saying goes, it's like someone peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining. Just disgusting.The ARROGANCE of Sonos management, and DISMISSIVENESS of it's long term, loyal customers and evangelists is appalling. Sonos was successful early because of customers like me. It's growth now seems dependent on appealing to a broader market of mainstream users who want easy and flashy, verses a feature-rich product that requires a learning-curve and intelligence to enjoy. I see a market opportunity for the latter products, unless Sonos works hard to maintain its power-user customers

Didn’t you make this exact same post elsewhere ?  Are you saying Sonos are wrong to appeal to a broader market who want ease and that they should instead restrict themselves to a market who have intelligence and value a learning curve ?  You did write that, didn’t you?  I mean, that does come across a little pompous, don’t you think?

For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Macs aren’t entirely immune to hackers but, Windows users have a far greater chance of being violated. In part due to sheer numbers and, IMHO, the savant shut-ins who sit in their mother’s basmenet writing viruses because they’re basically miserable people.  I feel like we Mac users, like the baby, were thrown out with the bathwater.

SMB 2.0 support on Macs has existed since 2013.

Incredible fail.  How is this possible with a consumer product company?

Many customers slowly built/expanded their Sonos home stereo systems SOLELY because of a set of PARTICULAR features that Sonos delivered (I have 13 speakers incl an Arc and the sub, for instance). I've been using Sonos for 10 years and, after year 4 or 5 years, I abandoned my old, expensive high-fidelity sound system because of the "flexibility features" Sonos offers, and the sound quality of Sonos is very good (with constant EQ adjustments).If, say, that when Sonos first hit the market it had 20 features and 10 of them were important to me, which compelled me to purchase their product (note that there were 10 other features that were NOT important to me). Let's call this the S1 era.Over time, Sonos adds another 15 features and I use/enjoy 5 of the new features, but the other 10 are NOT important to me. So now we have 35 features of which 15 are important to me and 20 that are NOT important. Let's call this S2 era.For the latest app revision, Sonos adds 5 more features and NONE of them are needed or important to me. So, in this scenario there are now 40 features, and 15 are important to me. However, in this last release Sonos suddenly REMOVES 10 of the 15 important/favorite features from my 13-speaker music and audio ecosystem!!! Adding INSULT to INJURY, Sonos says they were courageous in their radical changes to the Sonos system features!!!It's like buying a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home w a 2-car garage and, overnight, the home you bought with hard-earned money became a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home w no garage, but it's got lots of bells and whistles on it that you don't need!!! As the saying goes, it's like someone peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining. Just disgusting.The ARROGANCE of Sonos management, and DISMISSIVENESS of it's long term, loyal customers and evangelists is appalling. Sonos was successful early because of customers like me. It's growth now seems dependent on appealing to a broader market of mainstream users who want easy and flashy, verses a feature-rich product that requires a learning-curve and intelligence to enjoy. I see a market opportunity for the latter products, unless Sonos works hard to maintain its power-user customers

Didn’t you make this exact same post elsewhere ?  Are you saying Sonos are wrong to appeal to a broader market who want ease and that they should instead restrict themselves to a market who have intelligence and value a learning curve ?  I mean, you did write that, didn’t you?  

The broader market doesn't give a hoot for grandad-style fixed speakers.  They listen to music via smartphone and Bluetooth speakers & earpods - louder? they go to a club, rave or live event. 🎶🔊🎧

Loudspeakers (even “wireless”/ multiroom) should provide us joy by playing music. Not making customers headaches and costing lifetime.


As experienced Program Manager & Software Engineer myself, I had to experience a lot of truly horrifying software releases during the last decades. I mean, really, really bad implementations like Windows Vista, Volkswagen Golf 8 Infotainment, introduction of 1&1 5G Mobile network in Germany etc., to name just a few …


But what you did, Sonos, is unequaled indeed. Making otherwise neat hardware - in our case assets under management in value of thousands and thousands of EUR - worthless with a single release of your not even proof of concept and far away from pre-alpha state pile of crap app, respectively forcing us to deal with it.

What I have to reproach myself for is having recommended you to family & friends back in the days we trusted you.

You leave us no other choice but to dump - I have to repeat - otherwise neat hardware in value of thousands and thousands of EUR in front of our HiFi dealer and ask for disposal.

Will replace with sth like Bluesound, Heos, B&W ...

It seems you can no longer mute an individual speaker in a group.  You can mute the group, set the individual speaker to 0 or ungroup it.  Why, oh why?  Seriously.  

Further, the ‘Apply’ button in group settings seems completely unnecessary.  Just another tap to get through.

Having read a bunch of these forum posts, and having tried repeatedly and with no success to get my music library back, I think there is one glaringly obvious solution: Withdraw the new app, reverse whatever change nuked everybody’s (or at least tons of people’s) music library, and relaunch the new app in a few months IF you manage to get it working smoothly. Anything else is a betrayal of a big chunk of your customer base. 

I give up. 

My first reaction was, omg, where did all the functionality go, and who thought this awful layout would be better. My second reaction, far more fundamental is, WTF why doesn't anything work anymore, where are my speakers, why do I have to restart the app 5 times, oh my, now restarting doesn't even work. Important part of everyday life, just broke; and a huge time suck. I wonder what for? Why did Sonos break itself? 

The new Libby source is much more useable now.


Thanks for your input, @Ken_Griffiths but it's besides the point. For many years I had a good, working system of many Sonos components. Now, suddenly, after having updated my app, my system is flawed in many ways. I don't want to jump to many a hoop (SMB, networking, network discovery, music file sharing, share permissions and what not) to get my working system back. I expect Sonos to publish a new app that does all that for me. If you break a glass, you pick up the pieces. It's as simple as that.

The choice made to upgrade to the new Sonos App is really a matter that lies with yourself @beynym - Another user I’ve seen post here recently, named @skullc, chose to wait and has not taken that step.

Unfortunately there’s currently no easy way to step back (particularly for iOS users) as Sonos do not provide that in their App, albeit some others have posted workarounds for Android. What step you choose to take next is a matter for yourself, having chosen to upgrade to the new App.


Your reply would make sense if Sonos hadn’t misrepresented, scratch that, lied about the app’s state and said that things would continue to function as before.  

No one chose to upgrade to a biggy POS app because we were told it was as before but better. 

So am I the only one who read this about local music libraries, which is the point in question here (see below) - this was widely discussed here in the community too… I had notifications/emails aswell, long before the new App was released.

*NB: The date on the screenshot for the "notification" in the S2 App is April 29th (before the new App was launched).



It’s not a problem for me but I never saw anything like that. If I had I would’ve mentioned to my brothers who started using Sonos after I took it up.


edit to add one of my brothers can’t access his library.

This is absurd and shameful. About to sell my sonos equipment and go with something else. You realy just dont care. So much wrong with this app. How could you care and possibly roll this out?

stop/pause/play button broke. Cant stop play unless you kill the app and restart it


sirius xm broke completely. No album art, songs/artist dont update once new song starts. Your stuck with the song artist metadata that was on when you first started listening. There is no way to see the whole xm station list only your favs.

no sleep timer

app says music is playing on my basement tv when its playing on a play one in the kitchen. This is unreal

Tune In API worthless. Just bag it and start over

really dont know what to do here? My sonos is Worthless. I cant use it.

fix this or I am done!



This one simple trick will fix your problems with Sonos. /sarc


This one simple trick will fix your problems with Sonos. /sarc


500 squids worth of Sonos tatt.   The words 'wouldn't' and 'bargepole' come to mind. 


For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Yes it is. I wonder though, why now? The app is a disaster and this is just one more thing.

Because the new app was written from scratch it didn't make sense to support an old insecure protocol any longer. But it could have been handled and communicated better by creating a new app people could download and try. Users could have then migrated over time.

For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Macs aren’t entirely immune to hackers but, Windows users have a far greater chance of being violated. In part due to sheer numbers and, IMHO, the savant shut-ins who sit in their mother’s basmenet writing viruses because they’re basically miserable people.  I feel like we Mac users, like the baby, were thrown out with the bathwater.

SMB 2.0 support on Macs has existed since 2013.

If that’s the case, I’m waiting for it to kick in. The iMac that the USB drive is connected to is a 2022 edition with OS Ventura. Not in the least bit outdated.  Even my 2015 iMac in my office should have it and, it’s dead in the water. Something crept into my system since updating and it seems to enjoy living here now.

For those asking why SMB 1 was abandoned, it is a huge cyber security vulnerability.

Yes it is. I wonder though, why now? The app is a disaster and this is just one more thing.

Because the new app was written from scratch it didn't make sense to support an old insecure protocol any longer. But it could have been handled and communicated better by creating a new app people could download and try. Users could have then migrated over time.

Iirc  SMB support is in firmware. The speakers talk to the NAS.

This new app is trash in every way. It has now bricked a roam and the OSX app won't connect to my system - constantly telling me it needs new software and then telling me it's up to date. I tried to call the Australian help line and get the message that the estimated wait is two hours. So much grief Sonos for us all - your app team obviously do not test well enough and management should not have released such a dog of a product. It is so close for me ditching the whole system. Pathetic.

I was going to try to find a good topic on my issues and post this there but searching for “amazon station” pulled up posts form 8 years ago and 2 years ago… Sigh.

Anyway I had a bit of time today and discovered two things not working for me on Amazon.

I can’t play any station, tried about a dozen.

When looking at an artist I can play an album but not the “top 200” list.

How can you have such good great speakers but an absolute garbage app? 

  • Diane Roberts, Senior Director of Software Development
  • Kate Wojogbe, Senior Director of User Experience
  • Tucker Severson, Director of Product Management

I recently had the opportunity to try out the new Sonos app, and I must say that I am quite disappointed with the overall experience. While I have always been a fan of Sonos speakers, the software component of the system has left much to be desired.

First and foremost, it seems evident that the team responsible for developing the app did not fully understand the assignment at hand. The user interface is cluttered and confusing, making it difficult to navigate through the various features and settings. It feels as though the design was rushed without proper consideration for user experience.

Furthermore, the functionality of the app is lacking. Basic tasks such as searching for specific songs or creating playlists are unnecessarily cumbersome. The app seems to struggle with responsiveness and often lags or freezes, which is frustrating when trying to enjoy music seamlessly.

As someone who appreciates the exceptional sound quality of Sonos speakers, it is disheartening to encounter such a subpar software experience. The app should complement and enhance the audio experience, but instead, it detracts from it.

I understand that software development can be complex, and there might be technical challenges to overcome. However, it is essential for the Sonos team to address these issues promptly. Users invest in Sonos products with the expectation of a seamless and enjoyable experience, both in terms of hardware and software.

I genuinely hope that the Sonos team takes customer feedback seriously and works diligently to improve the app. With a brand known for its exceptional audio quality, it is only fitting that the software component lives up to the same standards.

In conclusion, while I appreciate the great speakers that Sonos offers, I am disappointed with the current state of the app. The lack of understanding and attention to detail is evident, leaving room for improvement. I sincerely urge the Sonos team to prioritize fixing the software issues to provide users with the seamless and enjoyable experience they deserve.

I would like to point out that two of the people on the above team are from Boston, which for a city that brought the World Facebook, this app needs some serious help! 
