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Hi Patrick Spence and Sonos in general..

I´m really sorry to hear, that you stop supporting old systems. But in a way, it is kind of okay. Eventually things like this stop, unfortunately. But telling us, that the rest of our system, connected with these products also will be influenced by this outfacing of old systems, is outrageous! Furthermore also telling us, that in time our old loudspeakers will not work anymore, is even more outrageously!!! That is “putting a gun to our heads” policy, only to force us to buy new stuff. We don’t have a choice. Furthermore also a gigantic waste of good and working electronics, just to be added to our global waste problems.

I really encourage you to think this whole philosophy over again, and act accordingly to benefit your customer in a better way than this!

I bought my first Soundsystem, when I was 13 years old. It was a complete B&O system 3000, with a CDX player and a tangential phono. I sold it back in 2010, when switching over to Sonos, and by then every single piece was still functioning and it was over 25 years old!

If this is your policy on your product, to out phase our purchased system, as you like, I´m done with your products! I will not be held hostage by my supplier in sound systems!

Sincerely Jimmy F J.

Disgraceful Sonos what are you thinking? Hopefully your shareholders get their money out and stop supporting your ‘end of life company’ in the same way you have stopped supporting your products

Jimmy F J,

I must have read the announcement differently. It said we had a choice. So in simple terms, I personally see things like this...

  1. We get to May 2020 and our Sonos system, as it then stands, will not get any further updates. A line is drawn under the devices in the Setup. These will (in my case) be a mix of the older 'legacy' and the more recent 'modern' products.
  2. It appears it will be possible to split the products/system into two, the announcement clearly says that, so let’s call that ‘legacy' and ‘modern’ Sonos Households and the legacy system will remain as is, but the separated-out modern system can still move forward with any new updates and features. So that sounds quite good to me, almost like I will be able to switch between the two platforms, old and new. That will present opportunity for me to fade-out the old and add to the new system over time. A smooth transition would be my aim in that chosen situation.
  3. It was also announced that I will be able to move from a Sonos legacy/mixed system to a completely new modern system quite quickly, should I wish to do so and to do that, I can either sell my old legacy items onto others who are happy to perhaps stick with the older-featured software, or I can trade-in eligibile products and get a third off (or thereabouts) any of the new modern Sonos products and future-proof my ‘modern’ system, whilst responsibly recycling my old devices.

If that is indeed the case here, with this announcement, I don’t find that too bad at all and the ball is still very much firmly in my own court on what I may then choose to do, going forward.

I think we’re seeing a bit of a 'storm in a teacup' here and the announcement is actually not sounding that bad (to me, at least) although some folk here are (still) trying to make it sound far worse than it really is. I’ve seen companies like Apple Microsoft, Google and Denon do far worse to their customers in the past. Even the worse-case scenario here, appears to be that a customers Sonos system will just not receive another update post May 2020, but it will continue to work exactly as it did before that date.

I’m sorry Ken, but you really misread a lot of Sonos statements. I hope they either get there sh.. together or go out of business. This is no way to treat costumer. For my sake I’m done with Sonos, if they don’t change direction on this subject. And starting from yesterday I’m advising everyone not to start on a Sonos system. It is simply not worth it! 

So exactly what do we do with these about to be bricked beauties? Use them as museum pieces?

Hi all

Got this answer form Patrick Spence, CEO Sonos, as an apply for my complaint to him. It is in Danish, so you must translate it yourself 😄

Vi har lyttet til jer. Vi gik galt i byen helt fra starten af. Jeg vil gerne undskylde for den fejltagelse, og vil personligt forsikre jer om vejen fremad: 

For det første, når vi rammer maj og ophører med software-opdateringer for vores ældre generations produkter, vil de fortsat virke, præcis som de gør i dag. Vi lægger dem ikke på hylden, vi tvinger dem ikke til at blive forældede, og vi fjerner ikke noget. Mange af jer har investeret meget i jeres Sonos-systemer, og vi har tænkt os at respektere den investering, så længe det er muligt. Selvom ældre generations Sonos-produkter ikke får nye softwarefunktioner, vil vi fortsat foretage sikkerhedsopdateringer af dem og fjerne systemfejl, så længe det er muligt. Hvis vi løber ind i problemer, der berører den essentielle oplevelse, og hvis disse problemer ikke kan løses, vil vi tilbyde en alternativ løsning og informere brugerne om eventuelle ændringer i oplevelsen. 

For det andet, vi har lyttet til jer vedrørende problemet med at ældre og moderne produkter ikke kan fungere sammen i jeres hjem. Vi arbejder på en løsning til at adskille dit system, sådan at moderne produkter arbejder sammen og får de nyeste funktioner, mens forældede produkter arbejder sammen og fortsætter på deres nuværende niveau. Vi er ved at færdiggøre denne plan, og vi deler mere med jer i de kommende uger.

Selvom vi har planlagt en masse gode produkter og funktioner, så ønsker vi også, at vores kunder opgraderer til de nyeste og bedste produkter, når de er begejstrede over, hvad nye produkter kan tilbyde, og ikke fordi de føler sig tvunget til det. Det er tanken bag det opgraderingsprogram, som vi lancerede til vores loyale kunder. 

Tak fordi du er kunde hos Sonos. Tak fordi I tog jer tid til at give os feedback. Jeg håber, at I vil tilgive os for vores fejltagelse og lade os genetablere jeres tillid til os. Uden jer ville Sonos ikke eksistere, og vi vil arbejde hårdere end nogensinde før på at gøre os fortjente til jeres loyalitet, hver eneste dag.

Hvis du har yderligere spørgsmål, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os.
Med venlig hilsen,

Patrick Spence
CEO, Sonos
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