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Sonos attorney general complaints

So, after the debacle from yesterday's AMA

Sonos App Redesign AMA | Sonos Community

I have raised a complaint with the attorney general's office as Sonos are just doubling down on this fiasco and awful app release which has rendered my system largely useless. They lied on their press release and refuse to make things right for their customers.

The outcome I need is to be able to go back to my previous app until they have demonstrable parity with the S2 app or refund me for the investment I have made based upon the features I bought it for. Telling me to wait months before I can use my system again is just not good enough.

I would suggest we all, as a community, move forward to report this to our respective consumer bodies to try to hold Sonos accountable for this.

Have you read this thread? the problems are widespread.


Not this thread much as it’s a bit of a nonsense. But I have been reading much of the forum over the last couple of months and helping people wherever I can. 

Really, how do you know this? 


Testimony both here and in the press from actual Beta testers who stated that the testing was performed, the problems were noted, and the release went out anyway. 

Totally fair point, @jgatie, tho’ improving testing now would be great for all parties. For illustrative purposes only, in the past week we’ve encountered two serious bugs that would be caught by a basic testing regimen …

  • Last week the Android app started crashing at startup for many users
  • This week the iOS and Android apps are severely draining batteries for many users

… to be clear, I am suggesting testing to improve matters on a forward-going basis.


I would suggest they are in a desperate game of catch up right now, so things are being rushed out by overworked personnel.  

Really, how do you know this? 


Testimony both here and in the press from actual Beta testers who stated that the testing was performed, the problems were noted, and the release went out anyway. 

Really, thats’s hard to understand. There is a disconnect from customers here. I am totally pissed, I have spent thousands and my system is 80% disabled. I want my money back.


Sonos software and hardware was awesome until the upgrade forced onto us about two months ago.


please, Sonos, fix the bugs or let us “downgrade!”

Really, thats’s hard to understand. There is a disconnect from customers here. I am totally pissed, I have spent thousands and ,y system is 80% disabled. I want my money back.


Not hard to understand if you know the world of capital investment.  The investors were promised sales of the new headphones, and investors get what they want, regardless of what damage it does to the customer, the company, or the product itself.  The investors come first, second, third, and all the way to next to last. The customer comes last, and the only thing which matters to the investors is the next sales quarter.

Sonos needs to implement best practices for testing.  I’m a software developer and I’m alarmed by the acceptance of automated testing as adequate. It is not adequate and I have scars to prove that. It’s absurd and the recent Sonos updates show something is wrong. This is speculation, but I bet it’s not far off the mark.

I need to add that my system is mostly disabled by recent updates. 

If you also added what was wrong, people could help. Do you want any help?

Fair enough, but it’s hard to enumerate all the problems when 80% of functionality is taken away. My main complaint is about choosing devices. I use the iPad app mostly. I choose a device/speaker and it churns away and doesn’t select the device. I do it again and sometimes it does choose the device, but more often I try repeatedly and nothing happens and I give up and play music with my iPhone. What a waste of money my Sonos system turned out to be!

I should add that everything worked until I was forced to upgrade Sonos apps about two months ago.

Sonos needs to implement best practices for testing.  I’m a software developer and I’m alarmed by the acceptance of automated testing as adequate. It is not adequate and I have scars to prove that. It’s absurd and the recent Sonos updates show something is wrong. This is speculation, but I bet it’s not far off the mark.

I need to add that my system is mostly disabled by recent updates. 

If you also added what was wrong, people could help. Do you want any help?

Fair enough, but it’s hard to enumerate all the problems when 80% of functionality is taken away. My main complaint is about choosing devices. I use the iPad app mostly. I choose a device/speaker and it churns away and doesn’t select the device. I do it again and sometimes it does choose the device, but more often I try repeatedly and nothing happens and I give up and play music with my iPhone. What a waste of money my Sonos system turned out to be!

I should add that everything worked until I was forced to upgrade Sonos apps about two months ago.

And please don’t give me the default support line. My network is solid. I am an IT professional. I have gigabit fiber service and I test it often. My internet service is in the 98th percentile.

Further, nothing changed before or after the Sonos upgrades. The only thing that now fails is the Sonos apps.


More detail. This seems to be problems with the iPad app. I can reliably use Amazon Alexa to play music. The problems I describe seem to be limited to the app. The app is what I describe as 80% non functional.

Good grief! 🙄

Sonos needs to implement best practices for testing.  I’m a software developer and I’m alarmed by the acceptance of automated testing as adequate. It is not adequate and I have scars to prove that. It’s absurd and the recent Sonos updates show something is wrong. This is speculation, but I bet it’s not far off the mark.

I need to add that my system is mostly disabled by recent updates. 

If you also added what was wrong, people could help. Do you want any help?

Fair enough, but it’s hard to enumerate all the problems when 80% of functionality is taken away. My main complaint is about choosing devices. I use the iPad app mostly. I choose a device/speaker and it churns away and doesn’t select the device. I do it again and sometimes it does choose the device, but more often I try repeatedly and nothing happens and I give up and play music with my iPhone. What a waste of money my Sonos system turned out to be!

I should add that everything worked until I was forced to upgrade Sonos apps about two months ago.

And please don’t give me the default support line. My network is solid. I am an IT professional. I have gigabit fiber service and I test it often. My internet service is in the 98th percentile.

Further, nothing changed before or after the Sonos upgrades. The only thing that now fails is the Sonos apps.


More detail. This seems to be problems with the iPad app. I can reliably use Amazon Alexa to play music. The problems I describe seem to be limited to the app. The app is what I describe as 80% non functional.

I don’t have IT expertise but I pride myself on fine tuning and finessing my home network to ensure that my router and mesh settings are optimised to provide the best possible functionality of all devices across my household so that my wife and sons’ devices just work. 
As a result, Sonos just works. I have had zero functionality issues with the app from day one of the update on 7th May. Every update installs with no problems whatsoever. My app loads in 2-3 seconds. Song changes happen in a second or so. 
If you are an IT professional then you should be in a much better position than me to get your network set up to function?