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Been reading about others frustrations with songs cutting off before end. Happening with iPhone close to Sonos and strong Internet. Was chatting with friends the other night and some similar experiences. Wanting to take this back amd get an old fashioned CD player?
Hi there, thank you for posting the details on the issue you are experiencing.

There is an ongoing problem at the moment with streaming from Apple devices. If turning off the Auto-lockscreen functionality does not help, then the issue you are experiencing is likely due to WiFi interference. This is often the cause of audio playback issues. If that suggested fix and those links don't work, not to worry, we can certainly get to the bottom of this for you. Following any occurrence of this issue, please submit a diagnostic and respond with the confirmation number. This way we can identify the cause. Many thanks in advance.
The issue with this resolution is the need to call tech support which, since the change to a public company takes an hour or so. Maddening. And the last I called and tried to resolve it, I was told it was an ongoing problem between Apple and Sonos and was being worked on.
The issue with this resolution is the need to call tech support which, since the change to a public company takes an hour or so. Maddening. And the last I called and tried to resolve it, I was told it was an ongoing problem between Apple and Sonos and was being worked on.

Sonos support are available via Twitter and Facebook as well so it's always worth trying those avenues. The phone support, at least in terms of the time it takes to answer the calls, has certainly got much worse over the last 3 years (it predates the IPO) as Sonos have pushed more resource into the Twitter and Facebook support areas.

Then there is this forum. Sonos do monitor and respond if problems aren't resolved with the help of the board members which they very often are.

But if posters are hoping for support via this medium then it is incumbent on them to post enough information about the set-up (What Sonos units, Router and if extenders are used or other mesh type systems), which, if any, Sonos units are wired to the router. What exactly is the issue you are having. Are there any error messages. What controller are you using when it happens.

When a poster gives virtually no more information than "songs cut off" you can be virtually certain you won't get any useful help. You might, if you're lucky, get somebody asking for more information or as in this case a Sonos rep pointing to help articles.

And as to your assertion that there is an on-going issue between Apple and Sonos we know that there are problems with the lock screen controls on Apple devices but as far as I know there is no on-going problem with songs cutting out or other performance issues between Sonos and Apple.
This is a persistent and known problem. Both my wife and I use the Sonos app to play music using our iPhones. I play from Apple Music and she plays music stored on her device. When she plays those songs the skipping occurs regularly. When I play music it nevers skips. After a frustrating call with tech support yesterday (my third call since Summer 2018), I enabled play songs stored locally on my iPhone. Guess what, songs started skipping.

If you want to play your own music be aware you may have this problem. If you have found a workaround please post so I can solve this problem.

BTW - Sonos tech support told me to call Apple support. Oh well.
If only there were support articles that talked about issues.... oh wait.

Playing music from an iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

We are currently investigating issues with audio playback from an iPhone or iPad to Sonos when using the “From this iPhone or iPad” music source.

If you use other apps that use the iOS device audio, such as making a phone call, YouTube, social media apps, or use Bluetooth headphones while playing from “This iPhone or iPad,” you may experience audio interruptions on Sonos until you completely close or quit those apps. Until this issue is resolved, we also recommend disabling Bluetooth for the best experience.

Additionally, if there are any AirPlay devices on your network, such as an Apple TV or Airport Express, audio from “This iPhone or iPad” may stop abruptly until AirPlay is disabled on those devices.

We recognize this isn't an ideal solution for those who use AirPlay regularly at home, but if you prefer to continue playing to Sonos from “This iPhone or iPad” without interruption, refer to the device manufacturer’s instructions for disabling AirPlay. Once AirPlay is disabled, close and re-open the Sonos app and start playback again.

Oh wait. Turned off Bluetooth, disabled background processes for everything except Sonos, etc.

You really want to turn off Air Play every time you want to play music. Ummm NO

This problem has been around for almost a year. It’s time to fix the problem.
Besides what is different between streaming music and playing from a device. Why isn’t streaming interrupted by Air Play?
It’s time to fix the problem.

You're right. Go talk to Apple.
Same train of thought. It’s somebody else’s problem. Thanks
Well sounds like it's an Apple problem.

What if you play the music stored on an Android device? How about uploading to Google Play Music or start up a Plex server? What if you copy the music to a computer and index the music library?
What if streaming stopped working and everything skipped? What if I just want to use my iPhone and I don’t have anything else?
If streaming doesn't work, that sounds like a network issue.
It is not unreasonable to expect to be able to play music stored locally on my phone. At home or the gym I can use my Bluetooth headphones to play locally stored music.
Right, but that's not the issue at hand.
If only there were support articles that talked about issues.... oh wait.

Playing music from an iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

We are currently investigating issues with audio playback from an iPhone or iPad to Sonos when using the “From this iPhone or iPad” music source.

If you use other apps that use the iOS device audio, such as making a phone call, YouTube, social media apps, or use Bluetooth headphones while playing from “This iPhone or iPad,” you may experience audio interruptions on Sonos until you completely close or quit those apps. Until this issue is resolved, we also recommend disabling Bluetooth for the best experience.

Additionally, if there are any AirPlay devices on your network, such as an Apple TV or Airport Express, audio from “This iPhone or iPad” may stop abruptly until AirPlay is disabled on those devices.

We recognize this isn't an ideal solution for those who use AirPlay regularly at home, but if you prefer to continue playing to Sonos from “This iPhone or iPad” without interruption, refer to the device manufacturer’s instructions for disabling AirPlay. Once AirPlay is disabled, close and re-open the Sonos app and start playback again.


1- It would have been awesome had the tech staff known and relayed this info when I was on the call. I asked if there were things I could do to minimize the issue. "We're talking to Apple about it, but have no idea if or when a solution will happen" was the response. :/

2-The problem happens on my clients phone, AND mine. I did not have any social media aps open, or bluetooth or you tube, nor did I get any texts, alerts or calls. I will double check when I am next there.

3- Interesting that my iphone plays fine thru my Ford Car Play, pauses the song then restarts when I get a call. Thats a wired connection though.
The issue with this resolution is the need to call tech support which, since the change to a public company takes an hour or so. Maddening. And the last I called and tried to resolve it, I was told it was an ongoing problem between Apple and Sonos and was being worked on.

Sonos support are available via Twitter and Facebook as well so it's always worth trying those avenues. The phone support, at least in terms of the time it takes to answer the calls, has certainly got much worse over the last 3 years (it predates the IPO) as Sonos have pushed more resource into the Twitter and Facebook support areas.

The issue is that when I am at a clients house troubleshooting, the tech nearly always needs a diagnostic sent, and it seems more expedient to do this over the phone. Trust me, I will try Facebook...anything to not waste an hour, for which we never get reimbursed. The last issue has taken multiple trips and the final call was over an hour and forty minutes before the tech, who had me do the same thing a dozen times, admitted the unit needed replacing. Had we known, we should have just paid for a new connect and given it to the client, but it's not like we broke it....
This issue is more than a year old and the internet is flooded with postings about this. SONOS: Time to fix it - you are ruining your brand.