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When is Sonos going to take ownership of the disaster they have inflicted?  Neither the PC app nor the phone app works right.  I’ve lost my alarm capability.  I spent at least an hour in chat trying to fix a PC app problem with function boxes opening off screen making them unusable.  The support person kept asking what I wanted to do while ignoring the fact the boxes should appear entirely within the screen whether I wanted to do anything at all.  I had to end the chat and call for level 2.  I was told the estimated wait time was 70 minues.  Sonos hung up after 63 minutes.


The phone app doesn’t have the alarm function any more.  I was told to use the PC app (see above).  So, I have been suckered into buying hundreds of dollars of equipment just so Sonos can screw me over with their software. 

Alarms should be fixed, according to this: 


I don’t see it.  How do I check to make sure I am on the latest version of the phone app?  Where do I find all the old functions including alarms?  I am currently not finding them.

Went to check how to do this and the app was frozen 🤔

You access alarms from the manage page. You get to the manage page from the settings “cog” top right of the home page.

Alarm function does work, get a desktop app, it’s there.  You can then set the alarm from the desktop app, not the phone app. 

Alarm function is working for me on the latest App update it’s in a silly place though because I expected it to be accessed from the speaker view but its not. 

Johnny, please see the first paragraph of my post.  PC app doesn't work, either.

Bob make sure your app is updated. In the Sonos app go to Settings>Manage>System Updates and tap check for updates. 
After you update go back to Settimgs>Manage> About my system. Scroll down to the list of devices. They should all be running this firmware:

Version: 16.2 (build 79.0-52294)

Restart your app a few times and check Settings>Manage for alarms. 

All that said, I’ve updated everything, restarted the app a hundred times and I still don’t have alarms. The app is a bug ridden POS. 

Thanks.  Found the alarms.  Now, just need to fix the PC app.

80.00.05 release

Still missing auto turnoff capability.  Three dots in lower right of what is playing still gives "Unable to load."

Ok, so alarms are back 😀. But still not the sleeper function 🤬.

Yes, and and the three dots in the lower right need to produce something other than an error message and the PC app needs to open its function windows within the space of the screen so I can use them.

When is Sonos going to take ownership of the disaster they have inflicted? 


They are owning it - by giving us all the finger.  The story has made it all the way to major news publications and their position is, “suck it”.

They could easily allow a rollback as the S2 version worked fine and for Android users who can rollback it works fine and for iOS users who didn’t fall for the “glorious” upgrade announcement, it still works.  They have a working app they could give us - they simply will not out of arrogance, hubris, and greed.