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As of today, the scroll wheel on my mouse (Logitech M510 Wireless) does not work on this forum. Windows 7 Professional SP 1, Google Chrome browser.
Hi jgatie, is it still going on? Have you attempted temporarily disabling any ad blocker or security extension? If you try it with a different browser, do you also experience the same scrolling issue?
Sorry for not replying. It's my work PC and I have been out of the office for two days. Will let you know tomorrow.
Works with I.E. Not running any add blockers or security extensions that I know of, it was a clean Chrome install. There may be stuff behind the scenes run by our network group, but getting the details of that is like pulling teeth.

Anything more I can do?
Did you install a driver for the mouse? Chrome can be a law unto itself in the way it digs deep into/below the OS.

As it has a proprietary dongle you could always just try a different mouse.
But it used to work just fine, plus the scroll wheel works on every other website I visit. Forgive me if I think the culprit may be InSided, it's not like we haven't seen features like search, auto-correct, auto-login, etc. suddenly degrade and/or disappear before. :)

Given that, I will try to update the driver.

PS - Driver is from Logitech and is up to date.
I agree InSided would be #1, #2, and #3 on the list of obvious suspects. But equally Chrome updates itself in the background...

I would try removing the driver and using the generic driver to start with. Whenever I've had dongle based wireless mice I've resisted the temptation to install any software.

You're not using any utility which changes behaviour based on the window title/class? I have a mouse gesture tool which does different things based on a WinTitle regex match.
No utilities. I'll try the generic driver.
Generic driver working after Chrome restart. Good call!