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I will never buy sonos again.

I do not need a police gear that decide what I can or cannot listen through the gear that I bought.

Nor buy a device that, one day, decide to stop to get connected to my wifi. And then, while wired connected, then stops working from one day to another with no change.

Sonos = planned obsolescence.

The sound is good yes. That is all ! The only positive point.

The gear will go to trash ! I have no time to reconfigure it from scratch when I want to stream a song.

You are a great rogues band. Congrats dude.

I know you do not care because you have no respect for anyone and anything, people neither the planet. We start not carrying much about sonos and sonos like companies either.

A mildly entertaining rant which, considering this is a user support community, contains so little information that it would be surprising if anyone responded.

Nevertheless, I’ll advance the suggestion that your network is what’s at fault, and if you really want to try and resolve things you should (a) submit a system diagnostic, noting the number and (b) contact Sonos Support direct. They have a lot of tools they can use to locate the root cause of the problem.

Claims to care about the planet, yet throws electronics in the trash?   Sorry, but we’ve had better thought out rants than this.  2.3/10.

Sonos support is pretty good at helping being they can see more details about your system than you can see on their end. Assuming the network is fine, which may not be the case, they should be able to assist. 



Another Angry Sonos Customer.

I loaded some additional music to my NAS drive, went to my Sonos app to update the music index library.  Greyed out - need to upgrade the S1 App. Upgraded.  System not compatible - functionality is  disabled. NO Warning, no way back - WHY?

Now I have no issue with products not being supported and updates not provided, I understand that on some levels given how technology moves.

BUT I have a real issues when companies abuse their position to force an upgrade that disables my use of the product I have invested some considerable money in.  I don’t want streaming services, I want to use my sonos on my local network through the house to play the music I load to MY music library.

Imagine, you take your car to the garage - sorry that engine version isn’t supported any more you need to upgrade!

I was NEVER advised this would happen when I purchased the product, it is a flagrant attempt to boost sales and a dishonest action.


I predict you are using a phone that is no longer supported by the manufacturer, never mind Sonos.  

For Android, that would be at most Android 7.1.2, which hasn’t received any updates from Google since October 2019.

For iOS, that would mean at most iOS 11.4.1 which was last updated July 2018.

So we have operating systems that Google/Apple abandoned 3 and 4 years ago respectively, and Sonos just dropped support now.  Your rant is nonsense.  Update your device.


Another Angry Sonos Customer.

I loaded some additional music to my NAS drive, went to my Sonos app to update the music index library.  Greyed out - need to upgrade the S1 App. Upgraded.  System not compatible - functionality is  disabled. NO Warning, no way back - WHY?

Now I have no issue with products not being supported and updates not provided, I understand that on some levels given how technology moves.

BUT I have a real issues when companies abuse their position to force an upgrade that disables my use of the product I have invested some considerable money in.  I don’t want streaming services, I want to use my sonos on my local network through the house to play the music I load to MY music library.

Imagine, you take your car to the garage - sorry that engine version isn’t supported any more you need to upgrade!

I was NEVER advised this would happen when I purchased the product, it is a flagrant attempt to boost sales and a dishonest action.


So how about a detailed description of what you problem is?  Or have you mistaken this support forum for a winge forum?

There’s no forcing going on here or disabling of features. You have an issue that should be solvable.  

it is a flagrant attempt to boost sales

Sales of what exactly? A replacement of an unsupported, out-dated phone will do nothing for Sonos’ revenue line. 

Sales of what exactly? A replacement of an unsupported, out-dated phone will do nothing for Sonos’ revenue line.