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The question is serious - how can we generate a real idea of the need for this to get some action, as despite whatever they might say, rolling back should not be an issue (unless you want some headphones maybe).   Even if its a ‘factory reset’ first !!     Can the support team (who are doing their best) allow a ‘list’ to be generated of those that want this, it might make you unpopular with the CEO but would actually make your life much more pleasant - he clearly isn't reading his inbox !!   Even if its just for a year (as on current progress I am sure it will take that long to stabilize the new app)

I have reached this conclusion after trying very hard to be patient, and have spent a lot of time both researching and working around this fiasco.   The feedback on the app thread is now 46 pages, with over 1,000 posts and 20K plus views, almost all complaining - and thats just one thread here and there are many more on reddit.  Based on what I have read, no way am I upgrading my firmware (thats still 16.1), and since Apple dont have a convenient way of installing old app I went a bought a cheap Android just to load the old version on that.  With the help of Sonophone on my Iphone its only taken me around 3 weeks to get a working system back.   Something that with a little less arrogance Sonos could have done in a day (and of course should not have broken in the first place).

So of course I cant really comment on the new app,  I had the ‘first’ version that did “operate’ (I cant say work) for about a week before it updated again (thanks Apple) and insisted on the firmware upgrades to work at all - which I politely declined.   But when someone can confirm that all the following (important to me) features are reinstated I may give it a shot.   This includes the things I saw in that brief foray….

  • FULL queue and PLaylist Management (as before) 
  • Search of my MUsic Library (on a NAS) - separated by Album, artist and song (not combined, thats so wrong!   Searching for “Oasis” the band you dont want “MIdnight at the Oasis” instead !)
  • Viewing of My Music LIbrary artwork
  • One touch to see (and control) individual volumes (that bit of the old app worked well even if not very accurate)
  • A quick access to mute any speaker (really important!)
  • Ability to properly sort my Home page - I want my PLaylists on Home up front, not a load of music services I rarely use or havent subscribed to or what I played recently.
  • EAsy access to Balance controls for stereo pairs
  • Restoring my TruePlay settings
  • Absolutely no need to be internet connected to play my Music Library and control all the above.
  • Confirmation that there is no ability to remote access my system - by me or anyone.
  • A landscape layout for tablet that doesn't block half the controls.
  • And when I do try the new app again, I want to be sure that if I dont like it, or it breaks something, I can roll right back and stay where I am.

I am sure thats not everything - but thats my ‘HOT” list, and I appreciate that others will have different priorities.   But the one common theme is “GIVE US A CHOICE” - and I only ask that we get a true measure of support to offer us the “Old” until WE THE CUSTOMERS (Not Sonos) are happy the new is ready. 

Can someone who knows how to do it start that list - we dont need to know whats broken for every user, just that for now we want to old one back.  And yes, if it turns out to be just half a dozen  of us and everyone else is happy, well I guess we will know….

Be great if Sonos actually paid attention to this, but I suspect otherwise.   But we can but try…...







Whilst I agree with everything you have said, it is absolutely clear that Sonos in not listening to its customers and are instead making comments like ‘it’s the noisy 1%’ causing the trouble as if the app is perfect.

All they currently care about is trying to flog headphones to improve their share price.

Agreed.  And they have ignored the distribution curve.   The “noisy 1%” represent those who have owned the longest, bought the largest systems, have upgraded already several times and were for a long time the best advertisement through word of mouth.   Worth much more than 1% of sales.   All that goodwill thrown away in a desperate and poorly executed attempt to enter a new market segment.   You should read the transcript of the investor presentation just before the new app launch (available on the website).   Wonderful visionary quote from Patrick Spence…..

“Our app is a proofpoint of what we have always said: we are the story of software eating audio.”

Sure ate my audio and that of many of their best customers…...

I’m so tired of this garbage system. If I hadn’t sunk so much money into this trash it would be gone already.