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I just wanted to give my two cents as a first time Sonos user. For years it's been my dream to have a full house speaker system I can easily control and play music anywhere. 


As we are purchasing a house this week, and I had an unexpected influx of disposable cash I decided to take the plunge and get a bunch of speakers to go with the new house.


For years I've heard nothing but good things about sonos. Great quality. Easy to setup and use. Devices to fit every need. Users seemed to be generally happy and pleased with the brand. 


I did some more research and decided to get a couple move 2s, a beam gen 2, sub mini, 2 one sl and a roam for the kid. Everything is going good, with the exception of a few features that seem to be missing from the app


That is until it came time to pair the one sls. Wow what a nightmare. These things refused to update when using the new app. S1 controller setup near instantly. New app, errors as far as the eye can see. From just failing half way through, to 1002 error connections. Nothing on the official website/ forums seems to work to fix this issue. Rebooting router, resetting speakers. Wired connection to router. I mean nothing. Tried calling customer service, get a 65 minute wait estimate.


I work in IT, so eventually after reading countless websites and articles and scrolling reddit posts with useless (to me) advice such as use an iPhone or Mac I stumble across one line. Try using a different phone. I try using my gfs phone. Bam problem instantly solved. 


This is a problem, because what if I didn't have access to her phone. What if I was single. I could have spent a week spinning my tires when nothing I could control would fix this issue. All I do all day is fix people's issues. The last thing I want when I get home and relax is to spend hours fixing my issue when the whole reason I picked this brand was because it just works. Not a great first impression


Tldr: you should have done better testing prior to releasing this new app. Based on my experience and what I've read of others, I am going to have a really tough decision if I want to continue using this brand, or switch to a new one when expanding my system. Which is a shame because the speakers themselves are amazing. Seems like a really bad, unforced error

Your experience reflects that of many Sonos customers. As with many others I am still unable to access my music collection on my home server. Snos promised a fix for this by late June. The new app is a disaster.


Sonos recently revised it’s instructions for adding a local library to take into account that support for SMB v1 and http sharing was dropped.  The new instructions are here (Note: You will need to use the Sonos PC or Mac based app):


Your experience reflects that of many Sonos customers. As with many others I am still unable to access my music collection on my home server. Snos promised a fix for this by late June. The new app is a disaster.

Welcome to the Sonos world, @Anarion12 . That’s quite an investment, and brave of you to jump in without trying one or two devices first. You seem to have purchased an interesting mix of current and recently-discontinued products. With the issues the app is going through at the moment, opting for the S1 app was an interesting option. 

But is the One SL compatible with S1? That might explain your difficulties in pairing them, though I’m surprised you could even add them to the system. 

Are you now fully up and running, or is there anything this user community might be able to help you with? 

This topic sounds very contrived.


Why would a purchaser of a new house have a sudden influx of disposable cash? If anything, it would be the opposite.

Why would a new user purchase 7 devices for $3K all at once? More likely they would start out with one or two and see how it goes.

Why would a new user say features are missing from the app? A new user would just accept the app for what it is.

Why would a new user be using the S1 app? That’s for legacy users and most of the hardware mentioned isn’t compatible.

Why would somebody who supposedly spends all day fixing issues for others try using an app (S1) that is clearly documented as not compatible with all of their brand-new hardware? Such a user would (presumably) be able to read and follow instructions.

Why would a new user think this has anything at all to do with the new app? For such a user there would be no such thing as old and new apps; there would only be the current app.


I suspect somebody is just trying to stir the pot.



I suspect somebody is just trying to stir the pot.


A lot of that going around.

This topic sounds very contrived.


Why would a purchaser of a new house have a sudden influx of disposable cash? If anything, it would be the opposite.

Why would a new user purchase 7 devices for $3K all at once? More likely they would start out with one or two and see how it goes.

Why would a new user say features are missing from the app? A new user would just accept the app for what it is.

Why would a new user be using the S1 app? That’s for legacy users and most of the hardware mentioned isn’t compatible.

Why would somebody who supposedly spends all day fixing issues for others try using an app (S1) that is clearly documented as not compatible with all of their brand-new hardware? Such a user would (presumably) be able to read and follow instructions.

Why would a new user think this has anything at all to do with the new app? For such a user there would be no such thing as old and new apps; there would only be the current app.


I suspect somebody is just trying to stir the pot.



I can cover these comments. 


I sold a couple of collectibles I had for 2k. Which happens to be what I paid since some were family discounted. 


All at once, not really. It was over a couple weeks and everything worked fine until the one sls


Why would I use the s1 app. Mostly out of curiosity. I bought the speakers, they weren't working on the new app. Bare minimum, I get to hear them. Best case maybe they update there and I can transfer them to new app (now learned they need to be factory reset to move). Also learned that even as a work around I couldn't leave them on the old app as soon as it detected the new app it forced me to use the new one.


Why would I assume it's an issue between old app and new app,  or even that there is an old vs new. Well because I can read. The old app didn't just disappear from collective consciousness. People still talk about it. In fact in one reddit thread someone had suggested to use the old app to update them. If you think I get through my job without being able to infer, research and learn about applications without prior knowledge of them existing, you would be wrong

Welcome to the Sonos world, @Anarion12 . That’s quite an investment, and brave of you to jump in without trying one or two devices first. You seem to have purchased an interesting mix of current and recently-discontinued products. With the issues the app is going through at the moment, opting for the S1 app was an interesting option. 

But is the One SL compatible with S1? That might explain your difficulties in pairing them, though I’m surprised you could even add them to the system. 

Are you now fully up and running, or is there anything this user community might be able to help you with? 


I am now fully up and running. I bought the moves first. Then the roam. These were to have something icould always take with and help bridge the gap until every room has their own dedicated speaker(s). Then the beam and one sls for a home theater type setup. I found a really good deal on the one sl. New in box never opened. Based on the reviews I was reading on them versus the era 100s it seemed dollar to value too good to pass up. And they were listed as compatible on sonos website with the new app. I thought I was good to go

I used the new app up until I was having issues with the one sls. I only used the s1 app to test if they worked, and potentially throwing them in the basement and just using that app to control them on their own system. Maybe I did that part wrong because it didn't really work out, but it wasn't the main thrust of the troubleshooting. I wanted them all up and running on the new app.


I'm just venting a little because it sucked having spent a good amount on the home theater system, after having been really impressed with the moves and then finding out the app was recently released and was having a ton of problems based on all the articles I was reading