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It seems to be universally agreed by users that the new Sonos app is a complete disaster, and not fit for purpose. 

like a large number of Sonos users, I am wondering whether I should be patient, and hold out for improvement in the Sonos app, or ditch my hardware and invest in a new system which works properly, and as expected. 

Come on Sonos! Before you piss off all your users, can you please have a dialogue with your existing customers about what you are doing, and when we can expect improvements?


 You are not listening to your customers, and recognising how frustrated and disillusioned we are becoming. You will lose your client base, and if we go, we will not be coming back! 


I no longer have comprehensive access and search facilities to my library. I am getting really fed up with Sonos!

They’ve had this article at the very top of their main support page almost since day one of the release.  It includes an acknowledgment of the problems, links to past release notes and a tentative schedule for future fixes:

And anyone who’s been involved with writing code can tell you, it is often hard to schedule, so committing to specific dates is fraught with opportunity for disappointment. There are just too many variables for certainty. 

Hi jgatie 


an interesting link, thank you for posting. I have only joined this community today, after tearing my hair out with the Sonos app. Most Sonos users won’t have the time or inclination to join this group. This was my last ditch attempt, before chucking all my Sonos kit out, and starting fresh. 

Sonos need to give updates and messages to customers VIA THE APP. They are shooting themselves in the foot by not communicating with customers, and keeping them informed. 

And anyone who’s been involved with writing code can tell you, it is often hard to schedule, so committing to specific dates is fraught with opportunity for disappointment. There are just too many variables for certainty. 

Only if your team if made up of inexperienced developers, the product owner keeps changing the goal posts, the requirements are so vague they could mean anything, the deadlines are unrealistic even before asking the developers how long things might take.

Well balanced teams are generally good at estimating how long a feature development will take and will speak up as early as possible if timelines will slip or change. Whether anyone higher up, from their PM/SM to senior leadership is willing to listen to them is a different issue.

They won’t get it right every time, but the times delivery is missed will be the exception not the rule.

Poorly planned projects, vague requirements or unrealistic expectations being set in stone before even asking technical teams makes committing to dates a pointless exercise that just annoys tech staff and clients.

It seems to be universally agreed by users that the new Sonos app is a complete disaster, and not fit for purpose. 

Ummm I like the app.  I’m not in denial and I accept it was released far too early, that it is glitchy and has missing fu criminality.  But I wasn’t a fan of the earlier app and I prefer the new one overall. 

Hi Andrew-s

I Guess it depends on what you are using the Sonos app for…  you just need to read the large number of 1 star reviews in the App Store to know Sonos have a problem. 

Hi Andrew-s

I Guess it depends on what you are using the Sonos app for…  you just need to read the large number of 1 star reviews in the App Store to know Sonos have a problem. 

I get that — but there is an element of those that leave reviews (and those that post on forums) are those that tend to be having issues.  I’m the same — I’d be more likely to post a negative restaurant review than a positive one, it’s just human nature.