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So....just got notice that I will soon not be able to play music stored on my phone. BS. Looks like I need to subscribe to music services. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions? Last Sonos I will buy!!!!
So....just got notice that I will soon not be able to play music stored on my phone. BS. Looks like I need to subscribe to music services. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions? Last Sonos I will buy!!!!

No no no no you have it all wrong..... They want you to buy new Sonos hardware.

So....just got notice that I will soon not be able to play music stored on my phone. BS. Looks like I need to subscribe to music services. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions? Last Sonos I will buy!!!!No no no no you have it all wrong..... They want you to buy new Sonos hardware.

Or just use music stored on your computer or a NAS drive, or USB flash drive, as most people with local music collections have done since Sonos launched. (And way before playing from a mobile device was added as a free firmware upgrade.)

No subscription needed. No purchase of Sonos equipment required.

'A cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing' . Oscar Wilde.
Buying a NAS is the best solution for those that have music purchased on their phone and want to continue to access it. Better than buying a Sonos One for its Airplay. But that would mean that there is nothing that Sonos would have done to promote hardware sales or made a deal with a subscription service, so it is a less convenient answer.

Or, give up free upgrades and retain the feature.
I fundamentally agree, Kumar, although some users may find a USB flash drive plugged into their router achieves the same at lower cost. I did this in a holiday home with BT Home Hub 6 in the UK. Of course, many routers don't have suitable USB ports, so not possible for everyone. Nor does it offer the features and flexibility of a NAS. But will be OK for some users.
Of course; the NAS drive is not needed if the router supports the use of a flash memory stick and these are now cheap for the capacity needed. It isn't just the question of having a port though, the router needs to have enough processor grunt to not suffer from latency of the kind my Apple Time Capsule of 2011 vintage did when having to serve up multi room music via a USB port attached drive. I got a NAS only to address that latency and the WD My Cloud has performed faultlessly from day one.
I have Sonos systems in both my home and office and have been looking forward to expanding them. I also preach the Sonos brand at every opportunity. No more. I have no desire to purchase/install additional hardware or go through the hassle of the "work arounds" suggested. Sonos is about to take something that works and break it. You've just lost a loyal customer and advocate.
Winning arguments with Sonos is rare so I won't suggest that as a solution.

I will plug a Raspberry Pi based NAS or if you have another NAS a Pi based NAS to SMB v1 gateway so you don't have to enable that risky protocol on your NAS.

I kept having trouble finding my how-to posts here so I copied them to a blog account on: Live Journal If you have issues post here or comment there and I'll try to help out, after next week when I have to be off-line.
This is a very poor move by Sonos. These devices are for sale in apple shops but i cant use my apple devices to play music that i have already paid for on my speakers? Thats rubbish, i almost exclusively play content from my phone as its always with me, always synced for my latest playlists and content and i don’t want to buy more equipment or do more admin to achieve the same effect. Saying that i will now have to use a PC or NAS to play the music i already have on my phone or iPad is stupid, pointless and will drive customers away. my music collection is quite large and a memory stick or NAS suitable for the task would be very expensive. I have 5 sonos devices with a fortune to most people and i was going to splash out on a playbar, now i think i may sell them all and get something that will not withdraw support for a perfectly useful and straight forward feature without any reason. Im appalled by this move
@TLAFTW. If you think this has been done for no reason then you clearly haven't been paying attention.

And you have 5 Sonos devices, an iPhone and an iPad, yet think $/£100 for a NAS would be very expensive?

John B - simply wiring down what other people have written isnt helpful. Sarcasm isnt helpful. Your reply isnt helpful. If you have nothing helpful to contribute please leave the forum clear for those that wish to contribute
John B - simply wiring down what other people have written isnt helpful. Sarcasm isnt helpful. Your reply isnt helpful. If you have nothing helpful to contribute please leave the forum clear for those that wish to contribute

Why should you not be challenged when you say this had been done for no reason? I consider your post to be wrong and misguided and this is a public forum. You sre free to think the same about my contributions, but you aren't going to stop me posting. cant uninstall the fabulous stock bloatware without root... best bet is to go into system/apps/running and stop everything you dont want running... id also check cached apps in running/apps also... you could use watchdog to track and freeze the apps that you dont want to run.
I have 5 sonos devices with a fortune to most people and i was going to splash out on a playbar, now i think i may sell them all and get something that will not withdraw support for a perfectly useful and straight forward feature without any reason. Im appalled by this move

The reason was provided in this announcement thread. While I understand why you and others are frustrated by this, I think it's hard to conclude it's a stupid decision without being aware of the cost of continued development/support of the features, the volume of users who use the feature, the volume of users who are frustrated with the lack of stability in the feature, and possible delays in bringing out new features while continuing to troubleshoot this one.

Were you plan on getting a different soundbar that won't work with your existing Sonos products? If so, you probably won't find one that reads files off your phone directly, but will find some that have airplay and/or bluetooth. If you plan on replacing all your speakers, you're probably going to end up spending a lot more than the cost of a NAS.
. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions?

lolol, were do people make these assumptions at?

Yes, this is all designed by Sonos to get you to spend money for a music service. 🙄

. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions?lolol, were do people make these assumptions at?

Yes, this is all designed by Sonos to get you to spend money for a music service. 🙄

This is a dreadful decision by Sonos.

It fundamentally alters the capability of the devices (downgrades them, no less) and it is an act of bad faith.

. Sonos made a deal with them to force subscriptions?lolol, were do people make these assumptions at?

Yes, this is all designed by Sonos to get you to spend money for a music service. 🙄
This is a dreadful decision by Sonos.

I cannot believe they will force people to use a streaming service.

i have several Sonos devices and the primary way I use them is to play music from my iPhone.

I am incredibly disappointed with this decision.

It fundamentally alters the capability of their devices (downgrades them, no less) and it is an act of bad faith.

How are you forced to use a streaming service? What about all the other suggested options?

Edit. Hang on, you have a Beam so can use Airplay.

And pay no attention to the rubbish spouted by @Warriors.
Assuming I am completely clueless regarding NAS , can someone point me to an article setting out how to move music from my iphone to a NAS and how to set that NAS to work within the network?

No more party sharing? No more using Sonos in areas with no cell service or without using massive data.

no using Amazon music with 4 kids and 6 Sonos’ due to amazon’ limitations

we have invested a ton of money in Sonos. Going backwards is BS. What am I missing??
You are missing a PC, a Mac, or a NAS, by the sounds of it. All of those can store your music collection. You could also use an Android device.
Assuming I am completely clueless regarding NAS , can someone point me to an article setting out how to move music from my iphone to a NAS and how to set that NAS to work within the network?


Those questions are best answered by the documentation that comes with whatever NAS you have or will purchase. I haven't used a NAS myself in several years, but I don't remember the process to be complex in any way.
No more party sharing? No more using Sonos in areas with no cell service or without using massive data.

no using Amazon music with 4 kids and 6 Sonos’ due to amazon’ limitations

we have invested a ton of money in Sonos. Going backwards is BS. What am I missing??

Possibly the fact that you can still play from your phone, as you have Airplay 2 compatible Sonos speakers.