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Does a Sonos stereo pair have the ability to change the balance of left and right volume? 

Oftentimes you want a pair of stereo speakers to be stereo BUT NOT play the exact same volume.  Likely because one speaker is further away from center.  This used to be fixed on old stereos by having a balance slider. So you could make the left speaker louder than right, or vice versa.

Does a Sonos stereo pair add balance sliders to the pair you make?  Or are they all the same volume output?



True play tuning should balance automatically for you


True play tuning should balance automatically for you


I don’t have Trueplay nor any Apple product to use it.


Does this mean there is no balance slider on Stereo pairs?




There is a balance slider in the EQ section of the Room Settings.

There is a balance slider in the EQ section of the Room Settings.



Thank you.


That is helpful.