I agree - and I hope that Sonos keep it supported for as long as possible.
But, having said that… I now control my system from two Lenovo 10” Android tablets. You get about 10 times the screen area and everything is a lot bigger and easier to read than on a CR200. Each of the Lenovo tablets sits on a charging base, just like the CR200 does, so there’s no difficulty keeping them charged up.
And… each tablet costs £150 - around half the price of what a CR200 would probably be today, and they are a standard off-the-shelf product. If I drop one and break it I can get one pretty much anywhere, tomorrow.
So yes - there are pros and cons to having a controller in dedicated hardware, but I can understand why Sonos have chosen to go down the generic tablet/phone route.
If you have a CR-200 that isn’t on your equipment list contact Sonos and get them to add it.
As soon as it appears trade it up for a 30% discount offer. It will continue to work just fine.
Then tell your spouse you got a 30% discount deal and want to grab another Sonos while you can. Don’t mention the trade-up discounts don’t expire though!