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Is anyone else frustrated by the subpar service integration of Apple Music in Sonos? It’s a seriously limited integration. Why can’t Sonos do better?

Sonos doesn’t do the integration. They publish an API, and Apple engineers integrate the API in the Apple servers.

You can read more about how Sonos works on the Sonos partners page.


In any business there are no hard and fast rules. If Sonos really wanted the Apple integration, they would have pushed to get it in; the partners page would hold good for the many lesser service out there.

Maybe this will happen once Apple buys Sonos.

Till then, there is Spotify, with Spotify Connect integration allowing the use of the Spotify native app.

In any business there are no hard and fast rules. If Sonos really wanted the Apple integration, they would have pushed to get it in; the partners page would hold good for the many lesser service out there.

Maybe this will happen once Apple buys Sonos.

Till then, there is Spotify, with Spotify Connect integration allowing the use of the Spotify native app.


Stop with the silly speculation that Apple is buying Sonos. You have zero proof of that happening, and only put it out there because you have a beef with Sonos. 

I shall speculate as long as I like to and you have no way of knowing with any semblance of accuracy why I may choose to do so.

I shall speculate as long as I like to and you have no way of knowing with any semblance of accuracy why I may choose to do so.


Your dissatisfaction with Sonos is well documented by your own hand, as is the long held theory that Sonos will be purchased by Apple, which has never come to fruition.  So I dare say my speculation has far more evidence supporting it than yours. 

Lol. Who am I to comment on all that you dare say?:joy:

Lol. Who am I to comment on all that you dare say?:joy:


Looking back, I’m afraid I must correct myself.   I called your post “speculation”, but  in reality “if Apple buys Sonos” is speculation, “once Apple buys Sonos” is FUD.

But you knew that, didn’t you?  

You actually spend time looking back to parse my words?! You are a funny man.

You actually spend time looking back to parse my words?! You are a funny man.


Your bitterness is sad.  

:rofl: oooh, delicious. Juvenile as well as funny, but it sure is fun to keep pressing those buttons and see what pops out.

Sandpit all yours now to feel triumphant in :zipper_mouth: