Anyone who have found an external harddrive with end-to-end encryption SMB3?
Hi, I have to buy a new harddrive for the music library - my portable Samsung are to old for SMB3. But - the external drives I found have no specifications for the end-to-end. I have talked to a couple of suppliers and they have no more information - and have no knowledge about what harddrive do recommend.
So are there any friendly soul here who knows? I just need 1 TB and I have Windows 11 and the connection in the router is a “classic” USB.
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What exactly do you want?
External hard drive? No SMB needed as it uses the SMB on the device you plug it into.
NAS device? Then you need SMB, pretty much every one out there is going to support SMB v3
Do you have a link to the place that listed all the requirements you want to meet?
ok - it is like this: Today I got an old external harddrive, Samsung S2 portable (360GB) plugged in to my router. Has been working as a clockwork- until the Sonos update (errorcode 913).
When talking to Sonos support she helped to deactivate SMB1 in my Windows system.
Then the hardddrive disappeard as a network device. So - are your saying that it is my router that I have to configure differently?
So for my budget I need a external drive (90 dollars) I have seen that Synology has SMB3 but this NAS is to advanced for me (and to expensive).
Thank you for your answer (and time) - I will check out the links you provided.
Allt gott,
Sounds like the Sonos fellow fixed the wrong problem since you aren't using your Windows to share the music.
What you need to do is make the same change, but to your router. You likely don't need to buy anything, and if you did and connected it to the router it still wouldn't work.
The external drive has no part of the SMB process, that is all done by the device it is plugged into.
Stanley - thank you for your time and support. I have after your respons sent an question to my internet-supplier to find out an guide how to configure the router. They have only guides for how to install the router and get it up and running.
So now I feel (thanks to you) that I have the right directions to continue my quest.
Post your router make, model and version, someone here may know how to get the changes made.
Oh - yes please - if you got the time.
Technicolor TG799vac Xtream
I didn´t find any version ...
The 799 isn't listed (I think, working from a tablet today) but a couple others are, might see if anything here helps.
Hi @Piar, I found the manual for your router and it does talk using it as a file server with an attached USB drive. It doesn’t talk about which version of SMB it supports, though. Here is the complete manual …
And extremly quicker than my internet- and router - provider
Allt gott,
Maybe this is the “only” parameters that I can configure in the router regarding the SMB:
Maybe this is the “only” parameters that I can configure in the router regarding the SMB:
Hi @Piar, have you used your router as a file server with Sonos in the past? I’d guess that it supports only SMBv1 (which will not work with Sonos) but that is only a guess.
Back to your original question, let me clarify something: an external USB drive does not change the version of SMB. Your ‘old’ Samsung drive will produce the exact same result as a brand new external drive.
I’d be happy to suggest a few NAS boxes that support SMBv2 and work with Sonos. Worth noting that this would be a separate device that sits on your network, connected to your router via an Ethernet cable (not via USB).
Your other option could be zero cost: setup a shared directory on your Windows 11 machine!
Let me know what appeals to you.
I suspect you will be out of luck trying to enable smb v2/v3 it if it’s not visible there or in an advanced options section.
Unfortunately it is yet another of the Technicolor range which is usually branded for different ISPs and rarely available direct so has no ‘default’ openwrt firmware available. Technicolor brand and usually quite heavily restrict the user interface options to the bare minimum based on the telco/isp requirements that they are branding it for. The 799 series is based on openwrt which is more than capable of supporting and configuring different smb versions, until Telcos add their firmware lock down requirements.
There is a healthy community unlocking Technicolor routers and freeing them from the ISP restrictions due to so many being supplied and rarely good security on them.
Press250 & Sigh,
Thank you - my brain is going at high speed now - this is not my area … ;)
I would very much like to not have my music on any of my computers - when Im working in my studio below - there I just like to handle my music thru my phone - and I like to have all computers shut down up here. Just to go by I have moved some music to a shared folder on my computer …
Ok - 1. IF buy a real NAS supporting SMB3 - connecting trhu RJ45/Ethernet to my router. - Will that be like an separate “unit” that has its own will and the NAS would not to be restricted by the routers configuration?
Unlocking/remove restrictions on my Technicolor router - is that for real. I mean for an non technichal person as med and also - the router is provided from my internetsupplier - can they have a say?
Conclusion?: We are down to that my external hardddrive is not the problem. (Right?)
I have 2 options (?) - buy a “real” NAS or get my self o new router that is configurable for SMB3. (Right?)
Is there other options? Any advice on how to proceed?
If you have no other issues with your router the NAS is a good option. It can also be a backup storage for other data.
With a NAS it will be in control of all settings, using the router only to provide the communication link.