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How do I rename a speaker from bedroom to den via my windows computer ?
Go into Controller - at top go to Manage .. Settings ... Room settings should be highlighted on the left.  Pick the device at the very top - in this case you are saying it says bedroom.  Then where it says room name hit the arrow and pick the option closest to what you want it to say (pretty much pick the icon you want).  Then where it actually says the name you can click there and retype it as any custom name you want.
This doesn't work for me. When I go to Manage, Settings, there's no "Room Settings", but there's "EQ Settings". However, in that page, there's no "arrow" to rename it. If I click on the name, it merely drops down to select which speaker/player to change the equalizer settings for. How do I rename a specific player?!?! 😞
This doesn't work for me. When I go to Manage, Settings, there's no "Room Settings", but there's "EQ Settings". However, in that page, there's no "arrow" to rename it. If I click on the name, it merely drops down to select which speaker/player to change the equalizer settings for. How do I rename a specific player?!?! :-(

Makes sure your system is updated and if it is you need to do this on a controller that isn't on a desktop as some settings such as room settings are no longer available via the desktop controller
Thanks for the response. All my controllers and all my Sonos speakers (11 of them) are up-to-date. What do you mean "isn't on a desktop"? I have the controller software install on some laptops as well. They are running a variety of OS's including WIn7, Win8.1, and Win10 (none with Linux, though). If not a desktop, then what? Android or iOS devices aren't an option. Does that mean I need to return all of my Sonos speakers?
Actually, I do have a WIndows phone, but I've never seen a Sonos app for it. Would that work?
See the first post in this thread from Sonos
Oh my God are you serious?!? You have got to be kidding me. I *literally* just bought *two* separate Play:1 two-packs from Costco (4 speakers) over the weekend to go along with the 10 other Sonos devices I already use... and now you're telling me that they will be just expensive paper weights since I won't even be able to add them to my system!?! So, I will need to return them, along with the other 10 devices I already have? Why was this functionality taken away? It worked just fine for me for years. I was a loyal customer and I spent *thousands* of dollars on Sonos devices only to have them screw me over for my loyalty? Seriously? Is there any way I can go back to the old controller software?
No you cannot go back to old software. I suggest you buy a Kindle Fire or similar if you don't have access to an iOS or Android device.

You may be able to return your recent purchases but the older ones not so sure
A Kindle Fire still runs Android. That's not an option.
A Kindle Fire still runs Android. That's not an option.

Do you have a reason why?
Yes, because I happen to know about Google's privacy practices (Apple, too). I'd be happy to install Linux on a machine if that would save my Sonos system.
BTW, Stuart_W, you've been really helpful, and I appreciate your responses.
For Windows users, thankfully there is the Phonos App which allowed me to rename a zone player.

Phonos does not let me setup a new speaker, no solution for me yet