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There is a feature to Start Radio from a selected YouTube Music track in the Sonos app. However, doing this doesn’t play the selected track, and instead starts from another track within the same genre. Can Sonos play the selected track before jumping to the next?

Hi @isaacchua, thanks for reaching out to the Sonos Community!

I’ve been able to reproduce this on my own system, and will pass this on to our engineers for investigation :)

Wanted to second that this is very annoying - if I select a song to start a radio station, I certainly want to hear that song first.

Hi @isaacchua, thanks for reaching out to the Sonos Community!

I’ve been able to reproduce this on my own system, and will pass this on to our engineers for investigation :)


Thanks! It will be even better if the Start Radio feature would add the suggested tracks to the playlist instead of playing tracks with the first selected track (the one not played) as the cover for all of them. In other words, having it work similar to the Supermix feature would be fantastic. In that way, we can revisit the tracks that were suggested and played.

Hi there! Our senior engineers have reached out to the team at YouTube Music, and it seems that the “Start Radio" function in the Sonos app is working as expected - it is by design that “Start Radio" doesn’t play the selected track.

I understand it’s strange having the disparity between the Sonos app and the YouTube Music app, and I’d recommend reaching out to the YouTube Music community if you’d like to request a change to the current implementation, as they choose which YouTube Music functions are available through the Sonos app, and how they work.