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I get the following error: “Your system cannot connect to content”. I tried to restart the speaker and the app, but nothing changed. It works to play from airplay, but not from the app. 

Please let me know what could I do. 


Thank you,



What content, and where is it stored.? Have you rebooted your router as well? What did Sonos Support say, when you called them directly to discuss it?

I want to load content from Spotify which is online, but Sonos radio does not work either. I did reboot the router and it didn’t help. I will try to contact Sonos support also. If I try to open the “Learn more” link it says page not found. 

Two questions:

  • Can you reach any websites?
  • Do you have a VPN installed own your device?

Yes, I can reach websites, the network works as usual and no, I don’t have vpn

If you’ve rebooted your router, then please read this article: 


Thank you very much, it worked this way!