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Wrong Song And Artist Listed in Sonos App Currently Playing

  • 30 January 2023
  • 3 replies

The title is fairly self explanatory. The Sonos app has been an infuriating piece of software to use. Between trying every available voice assistant and being disappointed by all of them I settled on Amazon music for it Dolby Atmos collection. 


The Amazon music app is also horrendous. More so than the Sonos app because instead of interfacing with the Sonos app properly and passing the information to my Arc, it casts it which strips the Dolby Atmos data and plays the songs in plain stereo. My work around has been to create Atmos playlists in Amazon music that I access through the Sonos app.


The only downside to this has been that for some reason the Sonos app doesn't display the correct song playing. It displays the first song I choose from a playlist and keeps that band and title across all songs being played. 

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @SeriouslyZonos 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

It sounds like there might be a communication issue between the app and the speaker(s) involved.

Does the same happen if you use another copy of the Sonos app on another device?

I recommend rebooting the devices involved - the router (switch it off for at least 30 seconds, wait for WiFi to return), the speaker playing (Arc or Beam (Gen 2) - no need to reboot any surrounds or Subs - and the phone/tablet/computer you are using the app on.

If that doesn’t help, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.


Having the same problem. One song keeps coming back but it lists another song. It happened after I disliked another song it was playing.  It play Allison Krause “Say Nothing at All” even though it is showing it is playing Julio Inglesias. Then it plays a different and shows the correct title. But then again, Alison Krause comes on and it shows a different song. Very strange. 

Did you do any of the things suggested in the ‘answer’ above?