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Have managed to add a path to my music library using a full UNC.  Added my user name and password. Everything worked.  However, after Update Music Library there is still nothing showing.  I have no permission errors, in fact no errors at all, just nothing.  Anyone seen this before?

How long did you wait / how big is your library?

10,000 files, about 34Gb  Some are mp3 (the majority) and some wma.  There are about 160 sub directories sorted by artist.

I’ve left it a couple of hours but there doesn’t appear to be a lot of disk activity either.  I sort of expected more.

Is there a library index file i could look at to check if it’s getting bigger?  Obviously, I have left the app running

My library is a good 300Gb and I tend to leave it an hour before checking so I seriously doubt it’s doing anything unless everything is conned by Wi-Fi then it would be painfully slow.

The recent apps show nothing now until suddenly the music library appears, previously they did.

Whats the path you are using?

Guessing you are sharing from a PC?
