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Why is Sonos ignoring OPUS support?

  • 31 December 2023
  • 6 replies

New Sonos owner here, received three pieces of gear for Christmas. Cool products but I'm dumbfounded by the complete incompatibility and lack of support for OPUS audio files. It's open source and everything is ready to be implemented, yet this cheesy software can only handle MP3 for local media. 


Extremely disappointed


Where's the OPUS codec support?

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6 replies

yet this cheesy software can only handle MP3 for local media. 

Not true.


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

A lossy format, not anything I’d be interested in for music except on very limited hardware.

“Opus is a lossy audio coding format “

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Where is the use-case for Opus? My only experience with it is with headsets on Xbox controllers, which is not exactly a high quality scenario, nor one that requires any Sonos support.

Opus is evidently the successor format to Vorbis and Speex.

Since I know of precisely zero streaming services which use Opus it could only be a candidate for local library playback. And since Sonos is less and less interested in local music the chances of them implementing a new format for it must be, well, zero.

I am dumbfounded that you are dumbfounded.  There are a hundred possible developments more worthy of Sonos resource than adding support for Opus.

Only a hundred?