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I have a Mycloudhome.  I loaded music folders and inadvertently had duplicated the folders in a sub-folder.  I have now cleaned the drive so there is only one incidence of each track.

When I list tracks in Sonos Mycloudhome, every track is listed twice.

As an experiment I deleted an album and it's tracks from the Mycloudhome completely and the tracks now appear only once on the Sonos list.  Where are these tracks if not on the Mycloudhome drive? 

How do I get rid of the duplication?

Have you reindexed the Sonos Music Library?

I have reset the MyCloudHome to factory settings and so deleted everything.  I then deleted the device from Services and Voice in the Sonos app.

Then I tested by adding just one album to the MyCloudHome and re-linked the MyCLoudHome to Sonos.  There was only one instance of each track.   So now I am adding the rest of my music using the rather irritating web software that comes with the MyCLoudHome.   After each addition it seems that I need to reauthorize the account to get the tracks in Sonos listed.

By doing the above, I think I have avoided duplications


But did you go into the Music Library Settings in the app, make sure it contained the right path and then update music library?

But did you go into the Music Library Settings in the app, make sure it contained the right path and then update music library?

Hmm,  good question!   I have not been to Music Library Setup to add the MyCloudHome to the library.

  Do I need to add MyCloudHome to the Music Library when it is listed separately as a Service in “Music & Content” with tracks, albums and artists listed now?

If one adds a NAS drive to the music library, how does it appear in the Sonos app?


Thanks for your input



This is what I had in mind.  I am guessing you have set this up as some sort of web server service instead?

This is what I have on my Samsung phone 

I guess that this is the advantage of a Mycloudhome device that is set up to integrate into Sonos



It does the same job as the Sonos Music Library, which just has to be pointed at the shared music folder on a NAS.


Got it.   No need to point the library therefore!

Learning still………
