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Where are the promised updates SONOS?

  • 27 May 2024
  • 2 replies

SONOS went to great lengths (well, they stopped short of genuinely apologising to us for stuffing up an otherwise stable system) to say with the new app they were able and going to push out updates quickly to get us back to feature parity as soon as possible.

We’ve seen nothing of the sort.  Alarms are still missing key features (like grouping rooms), the system is still slow and clunky, there are no Android widgets, the experience is still messy, etc. etc.

A schedule would be nice so we at least have some sort of idea when things might be released.  My gut tells me there is more going on at SONOS than they are telling us.  I wonder if a chunk of their DEV team has left?  If things were running smoothly from an HR perspective 1) This wouldn’t have happened and 2) We would have had more app updates.

Whilst I am on a spray, did everyone see the “new” Roam 2?  Identical to the previous version with the only difference being it can pair to Bluetooth out of the box.  LOL.

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2 replies

There is little doubt that Sonos is a tech company entering choppy waters.  Their overall sales and share value are on a fall. 

The two devices just released are highly unlikely to stop the slide.  The botched attempt to release new software has been a failure.  The corporate response to the howls of protest has just fuelled the firestorm.  

It's difficult to see how this situation can be reversed without further institutional damage and consequences for the longer term viability of the company. 

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Such a shame because their concept and hardware really are great.  I suppose, like many others, I am just really concerned about my investment in their products and the ongoing viability of the company.

It might be time for the Board to consider a change of senior management...