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I have had nothing but problems since I’ve bought these products, the app is garbage. Just keep it simple. I even have three garbage speakers. I will never spend another dime on Sonos. As expensive as these are you would think would care about the quality of the product. No access to the my library that was the only reason a bought this garbage. I have bought over 14 different products 3 don’t even work or connect unless on Ethernet cables. If I could get my money out of them I’d buy something else. I even have an inside person at the company in Sanat Barbara. She really didn’t have an answer for me. Can’t fix ****. For years.  Should have gone with Bose this kind of money. Garbage Garbage 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I am sceptical of this post. OP’s profile says they have multiple products many of which have not been current for 5+ years. Claims they’ve had connection problems from the start of ownership, yet bought more rather than switching to an alternative manufacturer. Claims can’t connect to music library despite all the info on other posts on the forums. And only joined the forums today - never asked for help or advice despite those years of claimed issues. 

If I’m wrong, @Sblred2473 , I apologise. But as I say: I’m sceptical of this post. I can’t believe it would have been left like this for years. And the access to music library has been re-enabled. 

Release notes here:

If I were to hazard a guess, I would be suspicious of at least half the one-and-done posts.  Most are just piling on by socks.  You can especially doubt the ones that just register today, but know the history of this and other Sonos missteps like they are the forum historians.  

I took a risk and called one out earlier in the week. There was no further response to me raising my suspicions so I think I sank that particular Battleship…

Hi gents, I totally agree with your collective take on the OP. An observation: each of our posts pops this back to the top of “Recently active topics” which runs counter to our objective. We’re contributing to the Streisand Effect ...

… hence my inclination to ignore, rather than highlight. For your consideration.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
