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What about fixing Mixcloud on the new app, empty playlists, empty list of followers, empty list of everything almost..


Hi @Snarkje 

I’ve moved your comment to a dedicated thread so we can look into this for you.

Although our test account is not used much and therefore does not have followers, following, playlists or favourites, other sections populate without issue. So, I think I am unable to reproduce your issue with browsing sections of Mixcloud.

I recommend you try removing the service from Sonos, then adding it again:

Remove a music service account from Sonos

Add a music service to Sonos

I hope this helps - please let me know if it does not.

Oh f*^k sake, I am an IT professional, don’t you think I already tried removing the service and than adding it again…??

Test is very simple:

  • Add mixcloud as service in the app ( you need a personal mixcloud account)
  • Make sure the mixcloud account follows someone that you know has tracks on mixcloud (verify on the desktop app)
  • On the terrible new Sonos app….
  • Select mixcloud
  • select my profile
  • select following
  • List is EMPTY, while you follow someone

Man, that you did not test this before releasing the app, you sure have to improve your system and functional testing.. 

Another test:

  • Add mixcloud as service in the app ( you need a personal mixcloud account)
  • Upload a track on mixcloud using the same personal mixcloud account
  • create a playlist on mixcloud
  • Put the track in the playlist on mixcloud
  • On the terrible new Sonos app….
  • Select mixcloud
  • select my profile
  • select playlists
  • List is EMPTY, while you have a playlist

And I can write another 4 or 5 tests that do not work with mixcloud..

Really frustrated here, I have spent a fortune on Sonos stuff, and now with one App upload my whole system is worthless…

If I where you guys, I would re-deploy the old app so people can do an ‘update’ that reverse back to the old app so at least stuff works again….





Hi @Snarkje 

Oh f*^k sake, I am an IT professional, don’t you think I already tried removing the service and than adding it again…??

No - for all I know, you are a 80 year old granny who recently got her first smartphone. You posted 19 words, none of which were about what you had already tried. Please adjust your tone if you want further help.

I was largely going by your report of “empty list of everything almost” - I saw sub-containers for Mixcloud that had plenty of, well, everything.

In fact, the only sections where I see no content is in the sub-containers inside “My Profile” - can you please confirm that you see content in sections other than those within “My Profile”? Thanks.

Can I post a video somewhere?


Fire up the Desktop app and see if Mixcloud works there. If it doesn’t, the problem is likely Mixcloud. If it does, the problem is likely the infamous new app.

Hi @Snarkje 

The best way to post a video here is probably to upload it to YouTube, then paste a link to it. Be sure to mark it as public first.

The issue is not Mixcloud it’s Sonos. Corry per your screenshots you are looking at playlists Mixcloud has created. I believe Snarkje is saying he cannot access the playlists HE has made which is my issue as well.

I use Mixcloud to soundtrack multiple retail stores and all of a sudden all of their playlists have been inaccessible in the Sonos app since the update. They are still there when you go on the Mixcloud app or desktop and Mixcloud confirmed this is not an issue on their end with me in a help ticket I submitted with them. 

Further infuriating is we can get to all of our uploads (only sorted by date added and not in playlists which worthless for our model) but they will not add to the Sonos queue properly. 

this has been an infuriating experience given that we just installed three full Sonos setups in buildings right before the update. This needs to be fixed ASAP

It might be simple/helpful/easier to perhaps show a side-by-side screenshot of the Mixcloud playlists/followers in the Windows Controller App next to the empty containers in the profile area of the mobile App. That said Sonos developers probably have other priorities on their plate at the moment, as detailed in this Sonos Support link…

That's assuming it is a Sonos mobile App issue and doesn’t lie with Mixcloud developers link/data feed into the Sonos API.

A relevant (comparison) screenshot from the Windows Desktop App would be more helpful here than any video, I suspect.

I’m really having a hard time justifying all the “3rd Party Wants” since the new app was launched. I realize that MixCloud was an option prior to the App refresh but may not be behaving as it once was. I personally don’t use it.

However, to my point with all the complaints about the new app in general when does the onus to fix what’s supposedly broken in a service and/or 3rd party app fall back to Developer/Owner of that product. Early in another post someone was  complaining about the Crestron controller being broken and how they have lost all confidence in Sonos. I didn’t know that Crestron controller integration was a Sonos responsibility (my tongue in cheek)? 😂

Granted maybe the Dev/Owners can’t implement a fix until Sonos gets their end fixed. However, IMO heaping the responsibility on Sonos makes no sense. If you borrow a book from a friend to study for a test and flunk-it…you don’t blame your friend because of your inability to study properly and absorb the correct information.

I’ll get off my soap box now…it’s just my take on the situation.

Sonos promised things would work as they did with 16.1. Numerous emails and social media stating this. IMO The onus is now  on Sonos to fix this disaster, they deceived owners. To suggest otherwise is nonsensical IMO. TBH it looks pathetic defend Sonos in any of this. 

Sonos promised things would work as they did with 16.1. Numerous emails and social media stating this. IMO The onus is now  on Sonos to fix this disaster, they deceived owners. To suggest otherwise is nonsensical IMO. TBH it looks pathetic defend Sonos in any of this. 

I think @Corry P here is just trying to gather the facts to substantiate where the problems may lie with the Mixcloud container. As I mentioned a comparison photo between the older desktop controller and the new Sonos App should help to pin-point the issue.

If the highlighted information is not in either App, the matter likely lies with Mixcloud. If the sections discussed are populated in the Desktop App only, then the issue likely lies with Sonos. Either way the matter needs to be resolved, but @Corry P needs to first gather the information for any internal report.

Thanks Ken, the post was in response to the one above it. 

Users seriously do not care one iota about “who is responsible” for broken functionality. Sonos actively markets “We are the ultimate streaming music product,” and indeed that messaging has been even more prominent with the new app. It’s entirely understandable for users to hold Sonos responsible when XYZ Music is broken, especially when “it broke” the day the new app was released.


Quite being so pragmatic 🤣🤣 Anyone remember this?


Users seriously do not care one iota about “who is responsible” for broken functionality. Sonos actively markets “We are the ultimate streaming music product,” and indeed that messaging has been even more prominent with the new app. It’s entirely understandable for users to hold Sonos responsible when XYZ Music is broken, especially when “it broke” the day the new app was released.


The initial Mixcloud report was made here and @Corry P is clearly (still) trying to gather the necessary information - the posts here were (I think) helpful upto a point and now some here are just clouding the issue and seem to be taking the subject matter off course - let’s just perhaps see the images suggested and let the Staff deal with it. 

Thanks Ken, the post was in response to the one above it. 

Yeah @Ken_Griffiths you better watch on whose behalf you intervene. Remember….I’ve got a target on my back 😂 


Crossfire can be deadly as you become collateral damage 😂



The initial Mixcloud report was made here and @Corry P is clearly (still) trying to gather the necessary information - the posts here were (I think) helpful upto a point and now some here are just clouding the issue and seem to be taking the subject matter off course - let’s just perhaps see the images suggested and let the Staff deal with it. 

There’s no clouding the issue, just correcting the record. 

I’m out .. leave it with you good people and I just hope the matter gets resolved for those that use the Mixcloud container in the Sonos App.

I’m out .. leave it with you good people and I just hope the matter gets resolved for those that use the Mixcloud container in the Sonos App.

Good move!!! Me too!! 😂

Hi @Djbigmike 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of the issues you’ve been having with missing playlists on Mixcloud. Perhaps you could inform me whether or not you see any content at all in any of the sections inside My Profile? Do you see all content in the other sections not within My Profile?

An issue can only be resolved once the scope of it is understood and described - I look forward to hearing back from you.

Currently working on my roof need to close that before the rain. Will try and make a video this weekend. I had a workaround to create mixcloud playlists as sonos playlist via the laptop app so the iphone app could play that, but even that is not working anymore..

@Djbigmike thanks, finally someone with the same experience.. I felt kind of alone in this. Very very very frustrating Mixcloud not working. Let alone the not intuitive user experience of the new app.

As I stated before will try and make a video of what is not working on the mobile app, desktop app works fine (until they update that as well probably..)

Hi @Djbigmike 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of the issues you’ve been having with missing playlists on Mixcloud. Perhaps you could inform me whether or not you see any content at all in any of the sections inside My Profile? Do you see all content in the other sections not within My Profile?

An issue can only be resolved once the scope of it is understood and described - I look forward to hearing back from you.



I see content in “my uploads” or “uploads” whatever it’s called there. It is listed chronologically starting with the most recent upload. Everything else is empty. 

Hi @Djbigmike 

Thanks! Just to clarify, is that “everything else is empty” in the My Profile section, or literally every other section within the Mixcloud container (above the level of My Profile) is empty (e.g. Feed, Trending, etc.)?

Hi @Djbigmike 

Thanks! Just to clarify, is that “everything else is empty” in the My Profile section, or literally every other section within the Mixcloud container (above the level of My Profile) is empty (e.g. Feed, Trending, etc.)?

The my profile section is empty. Feed/trending and all of that is still showing. Additionally adding things to the queue doesn’t work