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Weird entries in Spotify playlists

  • 1 October 2023
  • 2 replies

Today, I’m accessing standard Spotify playlists in Sonos (Mac app) and there are weird entries in the playlist. Apologies for the miserably bad red lines around the issues.

Hi @vinnym70,

The screen you’re showing is the Sonos queue. While I’m not sure what added those tracks into the queue, it can be populated with tracks outside of a playlist.

If you clear the Sonos queue and start the playlist again, does it add random tracks in again? I tested on my system and I’m not able to replicate with my own playlists or Spotify curated playlists.

I would suggest you re-authorize Spotify in your Sonos system by going to Settings → Services & Voice → Spotify → Reauthorize Account. Once you’ve done that, clear the queue again and add your playlist, then check if it is again populated by random tracks.

I hope this helps!

Spotify has a feature for their playlists that adds random items to it called “enhanced playlists”. It is apparently too easy to do this accidentally in the Spotify app, per reddit.