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Web app shows i have duplicate systems? how do i delete one of them

I have 2 x Play1 and a sub in top system.

And my playbar is in bottom system.

How do i combine the 2 systems into one, or delete one of them, maybe playbar and reset and add it again. I have one system in one home on one network on a single router.

This happened on this weeks system update..

Hi @paulrw 

Thanks for your post! I’d like to look into this for you (I already did a little, and just found one household with 4 units). I do not recommend that you take any steps to try to resolve this yourself - especially not resetting anything.

Could you please open the Sonos app on a device (not the web app) and submit a support diagnostic, replying here when you have done so? Please don’t share the number given - just let me know you’ve done it and I’ll find it. Thanks.

Hi Corry will do tonight.

I have 4 units, playbar bonded to 2 x play1 as surrounds and a sub in one room Lounge Theatre, all were working great together before update.

The playbar updated, but not the play1s,  can’t recall exactly what i did, but i tried update again and i lost the play1s, power cycled playbar and i think i lost that, power cycled a play1 nothing, tried update again and it updated the play1s, all 4 units now on correct same version, but playbar can’t see the play1s to set as surrounds,.The sub doesn’t respond to app volume slide bar i went to bed at that point.

Is it best to unbond stuff before updates to be safe?

I have only just got the playbar and sub used so have 2weeks experience with them.

@Corry P 

With so many of us giving up our time to help the masses with their issues, can I ask what the criteria is for direct help from the Sonos team on here vs watching from a distance and leaving it to us? It’s great that you’ve intervened but I can’t determine what has led to it in this instance.

@Corry P

With so many of us giving up our time to help the masses with their issues, can I ask what the criteria is for direct help from the Sonos team on here vs watching from a distance and leaving it to us? It’s great that you’ve intervened but I can’t determine what has led to it in this instance.

I think my photo might have triggered it as Corry can only see one system on my account, yet i can clearly see 2 called the same thing, sounds like a new bug with update…..

Funnily enough i get duplicate devices with google home, and have created another home called duplicates and hide them al in there, lots of people do same thing, google can’t solve it ..

diagnostics sent 👍

Hi @paulrw 

Thanks for that! I’ve consulted with some engineers on this as I thought it was pretty weird, but they seemed to know what was going on straight away.

We think this will be resolved with a simple reboot of the Playbar - please unplug it from power for a moment, then plug back in.

Thanks to the diagnostics, we also spotted that you have disabled WiFi on the Playbar - although you have an ethernet connection there, your Sub wants to connect directly to the Playbar, so please turn WiFi on the Playbar back on. You can keep the Playbar ethernet-wired, if you like.

If this does not clear the two system issue you see in the web app, please instead follow these steps:

  1. Remove the Sub from the Playbar - Settings icon » nroom with Playbar] » Remove Sub
  2. Factory reset the Playbar
  3. When Playbar has a flashing green light, go back to Sonos app and ensure you are connected to your existing system, and it will offer to add Playbar - please do so
  4. Add Sub back to Playbar - if not offered this during Playbar setup, do it manually by going to Settings icon » groom with Playbar] » Connect Sub

I hope this helps.


Thanks Corry, will give it a go.

Hi @Rhonny 

@Corry P

With so many of us giving up our time to help the masses with their issues, can I ask what the criteria is for direct help from the Sonos team on here vs watching from a distance and leaving it to us? It’s great that you’ve intervened but I can’t determine what has led to it in this instance.

With any issue that is not already known, we’ll often jump in and ask for more details, screenshots or diagnostics, if asked for by our engineers when we report such an issue. In addition, with an issue like this regarding Households (systems), the best course of action can often only be determined with information available only to us - in this case, with a different flavour of Household that I didn’t even know existed. Without the right info, less informed advice may lead to a factory reset of an entire system, which is never really something that’s wanted or necessary.

In addition, for the last 2.5 months, we’ve had so much additional activity on the forum that we have not had enough time in each day to read all new posts and respond at all - reading new posts always takes precedence (we are forum moderators first and foremost). Activity has now died down somewhat, but we still have a lot of administrative work to get through regarding all the threads that have been created since May. You will see us getting more and more involved now, however.

It remains the case, however, that if someone is seeking help from Sonos specifically, then the best course of action is to contact our support team directly - this is, at heart, a Community forum. Which is not to say that top-class advice cannot be found here - I’ve seen quite a bit from you!

I hope this answers your query.

Hi, @Corry P. It does answer, thanks for being comprehensive. I just wondered what had triggered you jumping in on this occasion, so it’s good to get the context.

And I get it must have been a nightmare for all of you, since your leaders dropped you in it on 7th May..! 


Corry, do you think this might be useful for user diagnosis for users with out a pc or laptop


paulrw wrote:Rhonny wrote:paulrw wrote:

Why can’t sonos let us run webb app on safari browser, it fails something about wrong screen size formatting or similar

I only have pc at work

On my Mac, I’m running Safari v17.5 (17618., 17618) and the web app is working fine here. 
What screen resolution do you have your Mac display set to?

i was trying to use it on iphone

On iPhone I’ve done this:

  1. Using Safari, login at and save login info to iCloud

  2. Once the page opens, tap Aa on address bar and from menu select Website Settings >  Request Desktop Website. Tap Done.  (This will load that website as the required desktop version in the future.)

  3. Tap on Share icon and tap Add to Home Screen. Give the icon a name. 

  4. Start controlling Sonos using that Home Screen icon. (It remembers the session quite long but log in again if asked, Safari should ask whether to use the stored login info.) 

Turn iPhone landscape to see a better view. 

On iPad, it’s been enough to add the website via the Share > Add to Home Screen. The page layout is fine as is. 

The key is the desktop website view and Safari allows to define that setting by website unlike Chrome which has a global setting.

Hi @paulrw 

Yes! It’s not ideal, obviously. The idea is that anyone on iOS would be using the iOS app (and the same for Android), rather than web app - that’s why web app isn’t made for phone screens. Right now, of course, opening web app on a phone is just as handy a work-around for some issues as opening it on a PC or Mac, and I was not personally aware of Safari having separate settings for each website. Thanks!

Hi @Corry P , 

Just a power cycle of playbar fixed it all a treat thanks, and please thank the Techy for me as well, guess he doesn’t get much thanks at present.

Could the leave wifi enbabled with ethernet on soundbars ,when using a sub be made more public knowledge somehow, i assumed it was the correct thing to do to get sonosnet, maybe the app should not let you switch it off….. 

Hi @paulrw 

Fantastic - thanks for updating the thread, and I will let them know!

Yeah - personally, I think the option should be removed from Home Theatre devices altogether!

I have the same problem and rebooting every device has not fixed any of it.

I’d suggest, since the above solution didn’t work for you, that you call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.
