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I was getting this error from time to time, but now I'm getting it on 3/4 of songs... Seems random, as sometimes a song that was working fine would refuse to play and start showing this error (or vice versa). 

My music source is YouTube Music. I've tried rebooting the speaker, reinstalling te app, rebooting the Wi-Fi router, etc. Also tried using an ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. Nothing seems to work. 

Diagnostic number : 1167656549

Screenshot :

Thanks in advance! 


Hi @kubulozaurus.rex.

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community! Let me check it for you.

Upon checking the diagnostic report, transport errors and symptoms indicative of interference have been detected on one or more Sonos components running on the WiFi. Commonly, this issue can come as a result of wireless interference, this article will help you reduce wireless interference around your Sonos products. 

You may try to refresh your network, please follow the steps accordingly:

  • Unplugged your Sonos device from power
  • Reboot router
  • Once the router boots up, plug back in the speaker 
  • Test and see if that resolves it.


If the above advice was followed and the issue persists, please submit a new diagnostic report, and reply with the confirmation number so I can review your system further and see if there’s anything else causing this issue.


Let us know how that goes.