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unable to play Calm music service

“Unable to browse music” error for last 2 days when clicking on Calm music service in app. I’ve tried reauthorizing, remove and readd service, reinstall sonos app. All same result. Not seeing anything new on here so…anyone else? Submitting a support bundle if no one else is seeing. I miss twitter support for sonos that would have made this much easier to troubleshoot. 


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14 replies

Yeah same I can’t browse Calm music on Sonos and I did the same like you did!

Same issue. Stopped working two days ago. Please help 

Userlevel 1

I’ve been having the same issue for the same timeframe! It’s completely turned my kids nighttime routine upside down~ I’d be so thankful if you could submit a ticket. Thank you!

Same here since yesterday. I also use it for my kids! Unable to browse when going to the app in Sonos.

I did notice in MySonos, I had Captain Dreambeard from Calm appear as a song and I can stream the one item. Nothing else.


The Calm app on my iPad works fine.

Same issue. Same timeframe. Same troubleshooting. 

please update if you find a way to fix. You can use Bluetooth to stream it. Been doing that. 

Exactly my issue as well.

Same issue here for last two nights. We used Calm app and chose to AirPlay to our Sonos One. 

Exactly the same issue for me. Very frustrating.

Same issue for me

I’ve been having the same issue for the same timeframe! It’s completely turned my kids nighttime routine upside down~ I’d be so thankful if you could submit a ticket. Thank you!


What did Sonos say, after you submitted a diagnostic, and called them with the number? 

Given there’s been no significant upsurge of complaints in other streams, which use the same API, it would seem to be an issue on Calm’s servers, has any one contacted them?


Same issue, worked for me until today. Tried reactivate account, removal an reinstall, nothing assisted. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi Everyone!

I was able to reproduce this issue on my own system, and have flagged it for investigation - it should be reflected at shortly, and we’ll let Calm know.

In the meantime, please don’t adjust your configurations.

Userlevel 1

Hi Everyone!

I was able to reproduce this issue on my own system, and have flagged it for investigation - it should be reflected at shortly, and we’ll let Calm know.

In the meantime, please don’t adjust your configurations.

You’re the best~ thanks for looking into this!