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“unable to load content” messages in app

Why does an “unable to load content” error message constantly appear in the app under my Sonos Favorites and My Stations Pinned Collection? Also since updating the app a few months ago one of the Jazz Groove stations I listen to every night before falling asleep can no longer be accessed from Recently Played. The only way I can listen to the station is to access it from Jazzgroove under My Services. What’s going on here?

The unable to load content message may be related to this, no word from Sonos about what actually happened:

But Sonos servers seem to be back online, reboot your device might help.

My Recently played are working, but favourites are stuck in unable to load. Logging out and back in sometimes works for people as does deleting the app and reinstalling. Other than that we just wait for sonos to get their crap together and fix this mess.




Thanks. Since downloading the most recent update a few days ago, I’ve been getting this error message even more. Sonos really needs to fix those bugs, including those when trying to play JazzGroove, a music service Sonos promoted when I got my first system! 

The new app absolutely sucks.  I constantly am unable to get the songs to play.  Playlists that I always play suddenly no longer are able to play.  I get music started and then can’t connect to the system to even turn it off.   It all started once the new app was installed.  

I can only use Roam as a Bluetooth speaker app won’t play anything - this isn’t why I bought this speaker! 

The comments here are so very accurate. Sonos used to be best-in-class. Now that I have spent thousands to outfit my entire home with multiple rooms and zones, they function less than 30% of the time. Each iteration of the App is worse than the one before (the predictable result of off-shoring tech). Advice: don't waste your money on Sonos. Bose, B&O, and others are far superior while Sonos retreats in the opposite direction.

First time experiencing this, real bummer that it’s a recurring issue that hasn’t been fixed. If anyone has a solution it would be great. 

I just want to listen to music this nice Friday and instead of relaxing while listening to music, I have to troubleshoot the “unable to load content” message from the SONOS app. 

SONOS thanks for this nice Friday evening! 

I’m in the same boat. I can’t play anything nothing will load. Unable to connect? I was groov’n and i am hosting a party tomorrow!

just want to listen music, to relax… without any intrusion, including my own (No Bluetooth No Equaliser)…so chose Sonos.

Issues: Earlier it was Frequent Logins and now it’s Unable to load content…And how difficult it has become to simply listen.

Sonos is shooting itself in the foot. And only God knows why.

Previous app versions were simple and absolutely no nonsense.

In the need of raise, somebody decided to add equaliser and all the hell broke loose…only downward path I see.

Same. None of the Sonos Content Services are loading all of a sudden now tonight. Pandora, Sonos Radio, nothing works…looks like the Sonos Servers are all down and they have a major outage going on all of a sudden…either that or Sonos is doing maintenance and didn’t communicate it to their customers. I can at least Airplay music or pull from my local NAS music library for the time being another black eye for Sonos once again getting really tired of having to deal with the issues for months and months now.

Experiencing the same error.  Where was the quality testing before this new app was rolled out into production?  Most IT professionals would have been refreshing their resumes if we allowed a production roll out like this.  All of us invested lots of our hard earned money into Sonos and for the most part that investment was met with a quality product and technical support over the years but this new app is leaving many of us dedicated customers completely frustrated.  Shame.  Here’s to hoping Sonos gets their act together soon.

Same for me. My Play 3 is useless now. Seems time to get rid of it and so goodbye to Sonos. It’s too unreliable

How is this guy still the CEO….clown car amateur hour probably to save a buck. Classic Boeing story going on at sonos

Someone’s just come on shift … 

That has updated in the last few mins… 

Working now.

Can enjoy some weekend reggae vibes now 😎

Unable to load content again 🤬

Sonos Team: I trust you still have the previous app versions (if not, shame on you).

Many people preferred to use the previous versions - why don’t you simply make several app version be available on AppStore and Android Playstore?

Of course your swift reply is highly appreciated by thousands of Sonos users…

Now they just said they can’t bring the old app back. Why are we still even using this product? Good Lord.

Unable to load content, not asking why “FIX IT”.

Unable to load Sonos Favorites!!  RU Kidding Me?

Same here, suddenly today after lunch I can’t connect to music services. Was working just fine this morning. Sonos app SUX

Same issue - since May 2024 but everything is going to be okay in October (and they didn´t specify the year...)

I think Sonos is heading for bankruptcy and hopely Bose or like will scoop them up and hopefully revert to OLD trusty, fast, reliable, good UX S2 controller which Sonos refuses to offer over some crappy headphone functionality..


Think I solved it. Browsed around a bit and found:

Got my sonos favorites working : r/sonos (

So download sonos for windows or mac. Access the favorites. Then delete all the favorites or for me it worked just to remove the all orphaned ones. The orphaned appear greyed out or “deleted” icon. As soon as they were deleted all my other favorites appeared on the IOS SONOS APP.

Hope it helps.

APP is still a mess thou...


Thanks for input. It fixed itself the very next day. 

And, might I add, does Alexa constantly malfunction on Sonos? Sometimes she plays or does what I ask and other times the very same simple commands like “Alexa, turn off the music” does nothing?
