Help! I bought two Symfonisk speakers to complete my surround sound setup with Arc and Sub. Today I went crazy trying to configure them... without success. After many attempts, I managed to update the software (by installing the app on my PC) and now the app recognizes them. However, I can't configure the surround sound... Most of times I start the adding process and it so with a network error after 3 tentatives. Sometimes it goes on but hangs on until I kill the app.
I've tried everything: resets, connecting the Arc via cable, disabling the 5GHz network, removing a repeater that might have been causing interference, assigning a static IP, moving them closer and farther from all routers and the Arc... No way. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

Diagnostics sent. #***********
Other screenshot when app stops after first step to add surround.
Obviously speakers where on and network ok.
All are connected to a wifi fritz 4040 used as repeater in a mesh network.

Moderator Note: Combined posts, recorded and removed diagnostics number (identifying information)