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I am unable to get any foreign radio stations through tunein, not my saved favorites or any new ones. Nothing. The service is available. I haven’t changed any settings. I can only get uk stations .  Anyone got any ideas?


Hi @Aec.

Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community.

You can try adding a radio station using your pc, just follow the instructions given in this site. Add an Internet radio station to Sonos

Use this URL:

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.


Hi Mark, I have tried adding new stations. The only ones I can get to play are uk based. All the foreign ones won’t play. I haven’t changed any settings or had any software updates. Any other ideas? 

Hi @Aec.

Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community.

You can try adding a radio station using your pc, just follow the instructions given in this site. Add an Internet radio station to Sonos

Use this URL:

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.


@Mark P, TuneIn is blocking all foreign stations to users in the UK, and you should be telling customers about it. Why the hell is Sonos not being honest over this?

I too have this problem on my Sonos One.  I have no problem with Alexa playing Tune-in on my Play 1. I have deleted and reconfigured but my Sonos One will not play any radio station if I ask Alexa to do so. I can play the stations through the Sons app. 

Hi All.

Welcome again thank you for reaching back to Sonos Community.

Regarding with TuneIn, it has been making changes to their catalog restricting which stations are available to listeners in the UK, a large number of EU & US based radio stations that were previously available to UK listeners are either no longer available on TuneIn on Sonos or fail to play on Sonos Radio.

I'll submit a request to our development team. We don't have a timeline we can share for this feature, but we'll be sure to make an announcement if we have any updates.

If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.


I am not in the UK, I am in Texas US and I cannot play even my local NPR station anymore on my Sonos One via Alexa. Other Alexa devices are not affected nor is playing directly through the Sonos app to the Sonos One.  Similarly my Sonos Pay 1 are not affected.

Is this going to be permanent?

Is this going to be permanent?

Probably, unless the lawsuit is overturned. Main thread is

Sonos support told me this was a known problem and can be fixed by following a series of steps to reconfigure the the device. They sent me an email with the steps and it worked. 

Sonos support told me this was a known problem and can be fixed by following a series of steps to reconfigure the the device. They sent me an email with the steps and it worked. 

Can you tell us what those steps are, please?

Sonos support told me this was a known problem and can be fixed by following a series of steps to reconfigure the the device. They sent me an email with the steps and it worked. 

Given that the cause is the result of a court case it is difficult to see how the solution can be to reconfigure a device. Would you care to share more?

Sonos support told me this was a known problem and can be fixed by following a series of steps to reconfigure the the device. They sent me an email with the steps and it worked. 

Can you tell us what those steps are, please?


&iriving’s issue is Alexa-related in the USA, unrelated to the TuneIn UK issue that this thread is concerned with.