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I have downloaded the new app but cannot get it to open it was working fine before .when I attempt to open the app it gives me a list of the countries I click on United Kingdom and that as far as I can get it will not let me press the accept button is there anything else I can do .thanks to anyone that can help 

Make sure you have scrolled right down to the bottom if that’s where the Accept button is (try it a few times) to press Acccept.

if that doesn’t work, then on your iPhone (assuming it’s iOS), go to Settings - Display and Brightness - Display Zoom, and set it to Default. Also reduce the Text Size to smallest, temporarily. Then go back into the app and see if you can now Accept.

It's actually an android phone I have samsung when I put the country in it takes me to the bit where it says accept but it's not highlighted I have uninstall ed and re installed the app but no luck will try the things you recommended and will get back to you thanks for trying to help 

That's as far as I can get 

It's actually an android phone I have samsung when I put the country in it takes me to the bit where it says accept but it's not highlighted I have uninstall ed and re installed the app but no luck will try the things you recommended and will get back to you thanks for trying to help 

Have you tried the various screen zoom and text shrinking options on your Samsung to make the screen and text as small as possible? Or select different zoom levels and try the app at each level in case one of them works. The zoom element has been the fix on iOS so it’s the only suggestion I have for Android if you’ve also gone right down to the bottom too…

Yes tried all the things you suggested but no luck so frustrating 

Oh my god just got what you meant about scrolling down to the bottom of the accept page it actually worked thank you so much you are a lifesaver barbecue today without any music would have been terrible once again thank you 

Managed to get one speaker working better than nothing I suppose my other 2 speakers are there but they just say queue is empty when I try to get them playing it just says unable to connect try again later at least I have my beam playing now which is a lot better than nothing thank you 
