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Trueplay option still missing

  • 4 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Latest Sonos S2 version seems working fine both with Android and iOS.  Though with Android's version is not possible to check if optimization is active or not, since Trueplay option is not available. With previous versions, it appeared as soon as optimization was completed by using app Sonos S2 with iPhone / iOS.

3 replies

TruePlay, if I understand your post correctly, is not available on Android, only iOS. This has been covered in other threads repeatedly. 

With Sonos S2 6.1 / Android version logic was : as soon as optimization was done ( with Sonos S2 / iOS ) Trueplay option appeared on Sonos S2 / Android. Making it possible either to enable optimization ( Trueplay ON ) with no speakers distance adjustment ( balance as part of optimization ). Or enable standard configuration ( Trueplay OFF ) with right/left speakers adjustment ( sort of manual surround balancing ). With last Sonos S2 / Android, lack of Trueplay option ( after optimization with Sonos S2 / iOS ) does not allow to check ( with Sonos S2 / Android ) whether optimization is active or not ( e.g. reset after firmware update ). No big issue though; just waiting for further update to solve this misalignment.

Ah, I misunderstood your post, apologies. 

I don’t expect the ability to run TruePlay to appear on an Android device (unless Sonos comes out with their own mic, which I’m not holding my breath on). 

What I perceive your post to be about is the lack of the ability to turn on/off previous TruePlay settings, which used to be on Android controllers. 

Which I hope is somewhere on the list of things to bring back, but probably not currently near the top of such a list. 
