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  • 12 November 2022
  • 2 replies

        After the 14.18 updates recently, the link for Trueplay was sent to me in my iPad and I duly did it in my room which consisted of the Arc, a pair of One SLs and the Sub Mini. There was no problem (both steps) and i was successful on the first occasion and of course the overall sound improvement was instantly noticeable.

         Unfortunately I cannot say the same for my set up in the hall. I have my Playbar, Sub Gen 3 and a pair of One SLs. I was unable to even get through the first step of the Trueplay because apparently there is some noise interference in the hall. I had this done at 5am in the morning with everything off except the lights and no outside noise either. I have been trying since but have been unsuccessful all the time - not even the first step. For your information the set up was on Trueplay before the updates. Can anyone enlighten me on what to do about this?

There’s several things that might be an issue. First, make sure the device you’re using, your iPad, is not in a case, as some cases can cause issues with the microphone.

Also, double check for other obstructions of the microphone, I’ve seen, at least on my iPhone, pieces of pocket lint that I have to clean out with a q-tip very carefully. 

If the issue continues, I’d try a couple of other, more random things. First, a reboot of the iPad wouldn’t be remiss, just to clean up any outstanding lingering software issues there are. And that’s a full shut down, and restart, not just closing the Sonos app. I’d also try a reboot of the router, although that’s a large stretch, but certainly not harmful. 

However, if neither of those help, it might be useful to call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network. 


Thank you so much for your suggestions.